3 Quotes & Sayings By Arthur Tomaszewicz

Arthur Tomaszewicz is a Polish writer who published his first book in 1983. He is the author of thirteen novels and twenty-five books for children. His most recent book is "Klucze do wiedzy" (The Keys to Knowledge). He lives with his wife, daughter and grandson in Warsaw.

Cold stars reflected in the water Abyss beckons us his dark distance. Our world, only one of hundreds, In which we can not see the sun. In this world, I am uneasy, I want to touch another planets. Because there is dark and cramped, That spirit is calling me to run. Wander through the world I'm tired, And every day to meet the dawn, For me this world has closed its doors. I want to go to other worlds, To know all mysteries of their, And here never to return. Arthur Tomaszewicz
I'm an alien and I came to this planet in order to change humanity but, unfortunately, your brain is not yet in a position to take it Arthur Tomaszewicz