3 Quotes & Sayings By Arthur James Balfour

Arthur James Balfour (October 26, 1848 – March 22, 1931) was an English writer and historian. He came from a family of some distinction. His grandfather was Prime Minister David Balfour, the first Church of Scotland Archbishop of St. Andrews (and later Archbishop of Canterbury), and his great-grandfather was Adam Smith Read more

He was the eldest son of the Right Reverend George Balfour, Archbishop of York. He was educated at Trinity College, Oxford, where he studied classics, mathematics, and philosophy. His father died when he was only fourteen years old, so he had to support his mother and two sisters.

He went on to complete his university studies at Christ Church, Oxford.

Enthusiasm moves the world. Arthur James Balfour
I never forgive but I always forget. Arthur James Balfour