6 Quotes & Sayings By Arika Okrent

Arika Okrent is the author of In the Land of Invented Languages, the acclaimed bestseller, The Intention Experiment, and the story collection, The End of the World and Everything. She has contributed to The New York Times, Wired Magazine, Slate Magazine, and The Believer. Her articles have appeared in Salon.com and many other publications. Okrent serves on the advisory board of the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle.

The job of the linguist, like that of the biologist or the botanist, is not to tell us how nature should behave, or what its creations should look like, but to describe those creations in all their messy glory and try to figure out what they can teach us about life, the world, and, especially in the case of linguistics, the workings of the human mind. Arika Okrent
When one heated exchange (in English) led a commenter to write "Go fuck yourself! " in Lojban, it turned into a lengthy discussion of why he hadn't said what he meant to say, and what the proper Lojban expression for the sentiment might be. Arika Okrent
Before you judge me as some kind of 'anything goes' language heathen, let me just say that I'm not against usage standards. I don't violate them when I want to sound like an educated person, for the same reason I don't wear a bikini to a funeral when I want to look like a respectful person. There are social conventions for the way we do lots of things, and it is to everyone's benefit to be familiar with them. But logic ain't got nothin' to do with it. . Arika Okrent
How many Lojbanists does it take to change a brokenlight-bulb?” goes the old Lojban joke. “Two: one to decidewhat to change it into and one to decide what kind of bulbemits broken light. Arika Okrent
What kind of a world do we live in that has room for dog yoga but not for Esperanto? Arika Okrent