3 Quotes & Sayings By Anonymus Autor

The author of the present work, who wishes to remain anonymous, is a teacher of physics. He has worked for years at the highest level of research and has made important contributions to knowledge in his special field. Since 1932 this man has devoted himself exclusively to research, writing no less than forty-two works on physics and mathematics alone. He has always worked under his own name; the present work is therefore something that he has written solely for his own personal use, with the intention of circulating it among his closest friends Read more

It would be unjustifiable to withhold it from publication.

He gasped in despair while he wrote to her knowing everything is going to end. He: Why did you ruin my image in front of your mother and family though I wasn't the bad guy? She replied Coldly: I acted childish and took revenge, I wanted to end this relation. He kept asking all that she accused him of. She kept admitting false allegations, something kept breaking inside him. Silence kept creeping into him, sorrow enveloped his soul and tears fell of his eyes for he knew all had ended. Anonymus Autor
Do not argue with a spuse who is packing your parachute. Anonymus Autor