3 Quotes & Sayings By Annie Ernaux

Annie Ernaux was born in France. She graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Paris and studied at the École du Louvre, where she met her future husband, Michel Seuphor. After his death, she worked as a painter and sculptor. From 1985 to 1991 she was a member of the Parisian collective, La Ruche Read more

Her work is often autobiographical. She has written over thirty books, many of them autobiographical, including "Le jour où ma mère est morte" (The Day My Mother Died).

Naturally I feel no shame in writing these things because of the time which separates the moment when they are written--when only I can see them--from the moment when they will be read by other people, a moment which I feel will never come. By then I could have had an accident or died; a war or a revolution could have broken out. This delay makes it possible for me to write today, in the same way I used to lie in the scorching sun for a whole day at sixteen, or make love wihout contraceptives at twenty: without thinking about the consequences . Annie Ernaux
Where are the eyes of my childhood, those fearful eyes she had thirty years ago, the eyes that made me? Annie Ernaux