3 Quotes & Sayings By Anna Belfrage

Anna Belfrage is a Swedish author who has written several books on important historical figures. She has also written two novels, one of which was praised by The Times as "an outstanding novel of psychological suspense." Her latest book, A History of the World in 100 Objects, is now available in English. Anna Belfrage lives with her husband in Sweden.

It’s not that I’m particularly worried about growing old. Nor am I all that bothered about wrinkles, grey hair and all that. BUT. Major but. I don’t like the idea of dying — not when i have so much left to do! That, people, is the rather unwelcome realisation that strikes me now and then, namely that the number of years ahead of me are fewer than the ones behind me, and while I have ticked off a lot of items on that mental list of mine, there are so many things left. Like riding through Paris in a sports car with the warm wind in my hair, to mention one. Anna Belfrage
When sitting in an armchair isn't enough… I write. What I mean is that when it no longer suffices to sit and dream about travelling to other times, other places, I write about them instead. A most economical and safe form of time travel. Anna Belfrage