3 Quotes & Sayings By Anna Barnes

Anna Barnes is the author of the bestselling Not Without Hope, for which she has been nominated for several awards including the 2009 Houston Book Award in the People's Choice category. She was also nominated for the 2009 Readers' Favorite Award in the Inspirational Romance category. Her second book, Reckless in the Wind, is the final book in her trilogy about a motorcycle club. Anna lives in Texas with her husband and their two children.

It is quite possible that, even if you set the most relevant, realistic goals, you may not achieve them in the way or the time you wanted to. Life may throw something unexpected in your path, which stops you from achieving what you want, when you want. This is not failure. Feeling like you have failed is bound to lead to low mood, and can often come about if things haven't quite gone according to plan. However, the best thing to do is to draw a mental line under the experience, learn from what has happened and try again. As long as you are still trying, you are working towards your long-term aims; and as long as you are doing that, you are never truly failing. Anna Barnes
Mindfulness is about focusing on the magic of the present moment. Rather than fretting about the past or worrying about the future, the aim is to experience life as it unfolds moment by moment. This simple practice is immensely powerful. As we rush through our lives, mindfulness encourages us to stop constantly striving for something new or better and to embrace acceptance and gratitude. This allows us to tap into the joy and wonder in our lives, and to listen to the wisdom of our hearts. This book will show you how to experience small but beautiful moments of mindfulness every day and so guide you along the path to finding more peace and contentment in your life. Anna Barnes