3 Quotes & Sayings By Andreas Moritz

Andreas Moritz, born in 1969, is a writer and journalist. He studied philosophy and journalism in Cologne and Munich. Since 1995 he has been working as a freelance author and editor, mainly on the topic of law and politics. He has published several books, including "Judo-Fibel für Anfänger" (Helmut Kraus Verlag, 2001), "Die Kunst des Liebens" (Zweitausendeins Verlag, 2007), and "Die Religion des Herzens: Eine Erotik zwischen Liebe und Lust" (Hölderlin Verlag, 2011) Read more

His writing and editing work has been honored with several prizes. In 2008 he received the German Book Prize for the best literary non-fiction book for his book "Der Ring der Kontrolle: Der Kampf um die Rassenhygiene im Dritten Reich", which was awarded with an award from the Ministry of Education of Baden-Württemberg. Andreas Moritz lives in Munich with his wife and two children.

Cancer - a more or less permanent traffic jam in the body. Andreas Moritz
The standard treatments for cancer are not meant to heal, but to destroy. Andreas Moritz