10 Quotes & Sayings By Andrea Zuvich

Andrea Zuvich is a writer and a psychotherapist in private practice. She is the author of three books: The Art of Reflection, Adulthood is a Four Letter Word, and The Magic Door. Her novels have been translated into Italian, German, Spanish, and Russian. In 2009, she was selected to be part of the jury for the International Prize for Literature Read more

She has been featured in various magazines including The Oprah Magazine, Time Out New York, Elle Magazine, and The New York Times Book Review. Andrea lives in Toronto with her husband and two sons.

Hold on to your periwigs, I'm going to start you off with a whirlwind tour of the history of Stuart Britain; a time that encompassed the vast majority of the seventeenth century and the first fourteen years of the eighteenth. Andrea Zuvich
Hold onto your periwigs, I'm going to start you off with a whirlwind tour of the history of Stuart Britain; a time that encompassed the vast majority of the seventeenth century and the first fourteen years of the eighteenth. Andrea Zuvich
A woman that you find different or strange, or whom you may envy or covet is deemed by you all to be a witch! Anything that you do not understand, you deem witchcraft! Andrea Zuvich
The Devil always takes back his own. Andrea Zuvich
I know not by what power I am drawn to you, but it is as a moth is drawn to the flame, and I cannot fight it, I must be consumed. Andrea Zuvich
She is a jewel far richer than a mountain of coin could bring! Andrea Zuvich
Her blonde tresses now lay unbound and flowing in comely waves down her back, like pale serpents against the blue sea of her costume. Andrea Zuvich
I have lived recklessly, gambled my income away at the horse races, gone whoring, have been more drunk than sober, beaten men to a pulp with my hands, have had a man’s nose cut off for insulting my father and have been indebted to villains more times than I care to say. But, I do not want to live like this anymore. I want a quiet life with a good woman who will care and love me — not for being the Duke of Monmouth, but for me, Jemmy. Andrea Zuvich
They do not call him the terror of husbands and lovers for no reason... Andrea Zuvich