7 Quotes & Sayings By Amita Trasi

Amita Trasi is a writer, blogger, and producer of the series "What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast." Her work has been featured by numerous publications including CBS.com, Huffington Post, Forbes, and Entrepreneur Magazine. She is also the co-author of "The Relaxed Woman's Guide to Getting Everything You Want Out of Life" with her sister, author Lisa Trasi. Amita lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter.

The moment you try so hard to forget becomes your sharpest memory.- Tara Amita Trasi
Sometimes one act of bravery is better than a life lived as a coward.- Mukta Amita Trasi
The truth remains quiet inside us, floundering like a battered bird, desperately wanting to spread itswings and fly away.- T A R A Amita Trasi
It took me most of my childhood to realize that traditions have infinite power over us.- M U K T A Amita Trasi
I wonder if every girl yearns for her father’s love, almost like waiting to catch the moon hiding in the trees–beautiful, yet so eternally elusive.- M U K T A Amita Trasi
Sifting through scattered memories is like sifting through sand. Some remain, some simply slipaway…— TARA Amita Trasi