5 Quotes & Sayings By Amanda Donohoe

Amanda Donohoe was born in England and grew up in New Zealand. A former school teacher, she now lives in California with her husband, two children, and their two dogs. She is a graduate of the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, where she studied English literature and creative writing. Her interest in writing started at a young age, when she wrote her first poem at age six Read more

Since then, she has been involved in many creative endeavors, from filmmaking to screenwriting to book publishing. Amanda is an avid reader and enjoys reading books for different reasons. She loves to read books that she knows nothing about but know will be good simply because they are something new and fun to read.

As a mother of two young boys, Amanda feels that reading is a great form of self-discovery and that it's important to have fun while doing it. Amanda is the author of both fiction and nonfiction books for young adults.

I have no regrets about not having children. I still wait for the pang of guilt, but I have none. I tune into the television show 'Nanny 911' occasionally which reminds me how much patience and love it take to be a good parent. Amanda Donohoe
I don't like posh hotels. I like small, eclectic hotels, and luxury for me would mean really good company with good food in a really funky, beautiful house in the middle of a field where someone came and serviced the place for us. Amanda Donohoe
I watch an awful lot of old Hollywood movies - I'll devour anything with Bette Davis or Joan Crawford. My absolute favourite is 'Sunset Boulevard' starring Gloria Swanson. Amanda Donohoe
I read, go for walks and I love to garden. My hands are such a mess. People think I should have movie star hands, but they're just gardening ones. Always slightly grubby and with a bit of dirt under the fingernails. Amanda Donohoe