4 Quotes & Sayings By Amalie Howard

Amalie Howard is a writer, author, artist, and photographer. Her writing explores thought, memory, and the complexities of life in all its complexity. She writes about the human psyche, how it works, and how it connects. Her blog at http://amaliehoward.com/ was named one of the Top 50 most influential blogs in the world by Forbes Magazine and was also selected as one of the Top 100 Blogs by the website's readers.

Forgiveness is a choice. You control how you respond to something or someone. You can't change things that happened in the past, but you can decide how you let them affect you. Amalie Howard
I already fear for my life just because of who I am, you think adding a little inconsequential vampire to the equation will change any of that? Amalie Howard
The same beautiful receptionist greeted Christian who had met him before and she extended the same lush invitation as she had the last time. Victoria's eyes narrowed and Christian chuckled under his breath at her jealousy." Relax chérie, she's paid to do that." "Well, she didn't come on to me, so obviously she's not doing her job properly, " Victoria said. Christian laughed. Amalie Howard