4 Quotes & Sayings By Alisa Melekhina

Alisa Melekhina is an author, wife, mother, and professional at home with her husband, children, cat, and dog. A native of Moscow, she now lives in California with her husband.

Rather than reacting to every obstacle or dashed expectation, incorporate the event into your overall plan. Real life setbacks like rejections, broken promises, and unfair disadvantages will happen. Rethink the meaning behind the emotional triggers and how your reaction will further your purpose. Manage emotions by recognizing their place, but do not allow them to control your moves. Alisa Melekhina
What distinguishes a true competitor from a mere participant is that the competitor derives enjoyment from the nature of the competition aside from the prize at the end. She gets a rush from the gaming dynamics and appreciates the beauty of the game. At the end of the day, you play for the love of the game or not at all. Alisa Melekhina
To the consummate competitor, winning is not the same as beating your opponents. Winning is playing to your absolute best; beating others is a corollary effect, not the primary goal. Alisa Melekhina