5 Quotes & Sayings By Alicen Grey

Alicen Grey is an author and former radio host. She has been a radio personality since 2006 when she joined Canadian station CIZZ 92.9 FM in Vancouver, BC to host the "Morning Drive" show. She has interviewed such luminaries as: Alicen has been published in such media outlets as:

No, I'm the human here. I'm the life at stake. I'm the one with fingernails, who feels pain. Me. Alicen Grey
When we're done, I'll be where the night never stopscradling a bruise that's shaped like youwondering why sleep never came to mewondering how I still dreamed Alicen Grey
When I ask you who you are, you'd better say my fucking name. Alicen Grey
We never stopped being each other. Alicen Grey