3 Quotes & Sayings By Ali A Mazrui

Ali Mazrui was born in the city of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in 1949. He is a leading African scholar, writer, and public intellectual. He has written extensively on Africa's history, politics, economics, culture, and society. He is the author of numerous books including Ghana: A Modern History (1984), The End of Colonialism (1985), The Challenge of Democracy in Africa (1990), A History of the Modern Sudan (1997), A Biography of Africa (1998), The Palestinians: People Behind a Struggle (2000), Premodern Africa (2003) and The Reasoning African (2004) Read more

Mazrui's works are available in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Japanese and Swahili.

Africa PRODUCES what it does NOT CONSUME and CONSUMES what it does NOT PRODUCE. Ali A. Mazrui
Culture is the celebration of diversity. Let us therefore not deny our origin; but instead celebrate ours as a cultural mosaic not a tower of Babel , but a power of Babel Ali A. Mazrui