2 Quotes & Sayings By Alfred Edersheim

Alfred Edersheim was a British biblical scholar and archaeologist. He was born in 1835, and died in 1904. Edersheim was the son of a rabbi and a grandson of a Talmudic scholar. He studied at the University of Oxford, where he became a master of English verse Read more

In 1872 he married Eliza Jane Lawrence, with whom he had seven children. In 1875 he went to Jerusalem to study Hebrew and Aramaic, but his health prevented him from completing the trip. In 1876, he settled at Oxford as professor of Old Testament Literature and Archaeology at Brasenose College.

In 1878, he became the first editor of the Palestine Exploration Fund's Quarterly Statement. In 1880 his interest in archaeology led him to excavations in Jerusalem and other places, where he was frequently involved in violent conflict with local Arabs. He excavated several important sites, including Damascus Gate and the Pool of Bethesda.