3 Quotes & Sayings By Alexey Stakhov

Alexey Stakhov is a Russian writer, journalist and public activist. He is an author of the book “Spy-Mongering Against Russia.” Stakhov has worked as a correspondent for the Russian newspaper “Kommersant” and is the co-founder of the Center for Research of Information Security Problems (EURASEC). Stakhov was one of the authors of the “Spy-Mongering Against Russia” report which claims that Western intelligence services are actively spying on Russian businesspeople, politicians, diplomats and journalists.

In the pentagram, the Pythagoreans found all proportions well-known in antiquity: arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, and also the well-known golden proportion, or the golden ratio.... Probably owing to the perfect form and the wealth of mathematical forms, the pentagram was chosen by the Pythagoreans as their secret symbol and a symbol of health. - Alexander Voloshinov [As quoted in Stakhov] Alexey Stakhov
In Euclid's Elements we meet the concept which later plays a significant role in the development of science. The concept is called the "division of a line in extreme and mean ratio" (DEMR)..the concept occurs in two forms. The first is formulated in Proposition 11 of Book II..why did Euclid introduce different forms.. which we can find in Books II, VI and XIII? ..Only three types of regular polygons can be faces of the Platonic solids: the equilateral triangle.. the square.. and the regular pentagon. In order to construct the Platonic solids.. we must build the two-dimensional faces.. It is for this purpose that Euclid introduced the golden ratio.. (Proposition II.11).. By using the "golden" isosceles triangle..we can construct the regular pentagon.. Then only one step remains to construct the dodecahedron.. which for Plato is one of the most important regular polyhedra symbolizing the universal harmony in his cosmology. . Alexey Stakhov