13 Quotes & Sayings By Alexander Chase

Alexander Chase is a writer and speaker. He was born in the Midwest and is now an author and blogger. His blog and books (The Art of Curiosity and The Art of Curiosity: The Missing Manual) focus on introducing people to new ideas and turning them into lifelong learners.Alexander Chase has been a professional writer for over ten years, with articles appearing in print and online publications, including Forbes, Huffington Post, EOS, and Psychology Today as well as on his own blog (theartofcuriosity.com). He currently serves as a contributing columnist for Huffington Post’s Psychology section.

One who understands much displays a greater simplicity of character than one who understands little Alexander Chase
To remain young one must change. Alexander Chase
The peak of tolerance is most readily achieved by those who are not burdened with convictions. Alexander Chase
To understand is to forgive even oneself. Alexander Chase
The banalities of a great man pass for wit. Alexander Chase
Memory is the thing you forget with. Alexander Chase
There are few successful adults who were not first successful children. Alexander Chase
A man's home is his wife's castle. Alexander Chase
Lovers of air travel find it exhilarating to hang poised between the illusion of immortality and the fact of death. Alexander Chase
More and more people care about religious tolerance as fewer and fewer care about religion. Alexander Chase
To understand is to forgive, even oneself. Alexander Chase
The most imaginative people are the most credulous, for them everything is possible. Alexander Chase