3 Quotes & Sayings By Albert J Bernstein

Albert J. Bernstein is the author of dozens of books, including bestsellers on sales and marketing, self-esteem, and parenting. His articles have been published in many leading business publications, including the Wall Street Journal, American Demographics, Entrepreneur, Success Magazine, and U.S. News & World Report Read more

He has also appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows to discuss personal growth and career issues. Albert currently serves as director of research for The Center for Workplace Learning at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia.

To be psychologically healthy, we have to believe that what we do has some effect on what happens to us. Even if the perception of control is delusional, it usually leads to more productive action than believing that what we do makes no difference. Albert J. Bernstein
While you're taking your minute to think, consider the possible outcomes. Immediately discard any that involve making the Bully back down and admit that you're right. You cannot be right and effective at the same time. Albert J. Bernstein