3 Quotes & Sayings By Albert E Dunning

Albert E. Dunning (August 9, 1931 – September 13, 2008) was an American social psychologist and the most highly cited author in psychology of all time. He is most widely known for his studies of how people judge their own abilities and the effects of feedback on learning and performance. He is also notable for having demonstrated that many people's self-perceptions of their relative level of ability are grossly inaccurate Read more

He was a professor at the University of Michigan from 1967 until his death in 2008.

Great opportunities come to all but many do not know they have met them. The only preparation to take advantage of them is ... to watch what each day brings. Albert E. Dunning
Great opportunities come to all but many do not know they have met them. The only preparation to take advantage of them is simple fidelity to watch what each day brings. Albert E. Dunning