3 Quotes & Sayings By Albert Cossery

Albert Cossery was born in 1956 in Alexandria (Egypt), and is currently a member of the Egyptian National Academy of Arts. His works include "The First Step", "The City of Madness", "The Mirror of Dreams", and "The Third Eye".

[T]he world we live in is governed by the most revolting bunch of crooks ever to defile the soil of this planet... [You] must never take them seriously, which is exactly what they want. Albert Cossery
What a nightmare! " cried Imtaz. "There's nothing gloomier than nature. You'll lose your sense of humor in the country. Unable to criticize the trees, your intelligence will lose its edge as you contemplate the plowed fields, and then, it'll be very easy for you to sing the praises of your fellow men because you won't be here to see and listen to them. Don't make that mistake. Never cut yourself off from mankind because, with distance, you're more likely to grant men extenuating circumstances. I love you too much to let you succumb to that weakness. . Albert Cossery