2 Quotes & Sayings By Albert Alexander Bukoski

Albert Alexander Bukoski was born in 1907 in the small town of Brockton, Massachusetts. He was the son of Russian immigrants, and his family had a number of businesses in Brockton. At age nine he began working in the family grocery store, and after graduating from high school, he left home to work in a shoe store. In 1924 he decided to go into business for himself and opened a hardware store in Wareham Read more

Bukoski's Hardware Store became a very successful and well-respected business and he expanded it with an insurance agency and eventually a drafting service. The drafting service, however, became his most successful venture. He was known as "Mr.

Drafting" and would come to people's homes to draw up simple home plans on a case-by-case basis. His reputation grew until the draft service was referred to as "Bukoski's Board of Building Design." In 1952 George W. Bush came to him for a quick sketch on how he would like his new house to look once he became President of the United States.

The house was built shortly after Bush's inauguration in January of 2009. Bukoski died on November 24, 1997 at the age of eighty-five. Bukoski was an avid fisherman and hunter who taught himself deer hunting by reading books about deer hunting. He had many friends all over the world who were professional hunters and they often came to him for advice about hunting methods.

A few said that they would have been better off hunting with Bukoski than any professional hunter they had hunted with before because of his vast knowledge of hunting techniques. One day while fishing with a friend from Europe, Hank Cramer took one look at Bukoski's shotgun and asked him if he could get Bukoski a rifle so that they could hunt more successfully together. Bukoski took immediate notice of the gun and asked his friend where he got it from so that he could learn how to use it himself.

When Cramer told him it was made by the Browning Manufacturing Company in Sturm Ruger, New Hampshire, Bukoski was so impressed that he went there immediately with his friend Hank Cramer to buy one for himself so that he could start shooting game animals like deer more effectively than before possible since no one had ever shown him how before now! He became an expert marksman over the next few years after learning how to use this "new" hunting weapon called The Browning Automatic Rifle (B