78 Quotes About Intuition

Intuition is a remarkable ability that can be found in all of us. It is the ability to know what someone needs before they ask for it. Intuition can help us make better decisions in everyday life. For example, when you are standing in line at the grocery store and you see an item you’ve been wanting, your intuition will tell you to buy it, even if you haven’t decided yet if you actually need it Read more

Intuitive intelligence can also help us save money, avoid crashes on the highway, and even pick out the right career for ourselves.

Without the bombardment of thoughts, the truth will emerge through...
Without the bombardment of thoughts, the truth will emerge through intuition. Bert McCoy
The Lovely Knowing, your source of intuition and inspiration may...
The Lovely Knowing, your source of intuition and inspiration may not always be explainable, but it is always attainable! Mishi McCoy
Each of us has more intelligence than we are trained...
Each of us has more intelligence than we are trained to use and the part that we get graded on in school doesn’t amount to much Laurie Nadel
In its failure to value differences in the way people...
In its failure to value differences in the way people learn, the educational process often suppresses intuition, creativity, and your sense of identity. Laurie Nadel
Finding your own metaphor for intuition is one of the...
Finding your own metaphor for intuition is one of the best ways to give it form, an essential step in developing your intuitive thinking. Laurie Nadel
Intuitive knowing can be described as an openness to flashes...
Intuitive knowing can be described as an openness to flashes of insight Laurie Nadel
The part of your mind that believes intuitive knowing to be impossible is that part of your mind for which it is impossible. Laurie Nadel
Learning to locate your own gut response is essential if...
Learning to locate your own gut response is essential if you are to be able to identify and acknowledge your intuition. Laurie Nadel
The key to developing your intuition is developing your self-observation...
The key to developing your intuition is developing your self-observation skills. Laurie Nadel
Opening up to your intuition represents a commitment to pay...
Opening up to your intuition represents a commitment to pay closer attention to how you think and feel. Laurie Nadel
Belief is the basis of intuitive behavior.
Belief is the basis of intuitive behavior. Laurie Nadel
Believing is essential when changing any behavior
Believing is essential when changing any behavior Laurie Nadel
Whether you are at play in the fields of the...
Whether you are at play in the fields of the Lord or standing next to home plate squinting at the popping pitcher, that sudden, immediate knowing can also help you envision the outcome. Laurie Nadel
Whether you job involves chasing criminals, crouching numbers, or wrestling with paperwork, learning how to recognize and rely on those hunches and gut feelings can dramatically improve your job performance. Laurie Nadel
When your intuition is right, thank the part of you...
When your intuition is right, thank the part of you that knows how to do that truly remarkable job. Laurie Nadel
To develop your intuition, you need to respect it as...
To develop your intuition, you need to respect it as a natural intelligence. Laurie Nadel
An intuitive insight or concept can often turn out to...
An intuitive insight or concept can often turn out to be an unexpected success. Laurie Nadel
Instead of vacillating, we need to value, acknowledge and trust...
Instead of vacillating, we need to value, acknowledge and trust our intuition for what it is, a sense of truth. Laurie Nadel
Intuition is a gift, an inner power that you can...
Intuition is a gift, an inner power that you can turn to whenever you need it. Laurie Nadel
Trusting your inner voice, which is one of the critical...
Trusting your inner voice, which is one of the critical steps in developing intuition, is predicated on being truly self-confident. Laurie Nadel
Each of us has more intelligence than we are trained...
Each of us has more intelligence than we are trained to use and the part that we get graded on in school doesn’t amount to much. Laurie Nadel
Cosmic consciousness is the next level of holistic perception. Laurie Nadel
Brain waves are like personal handwriting.
Brain waves are like personal handwriting. Laurie Nadel
The brain waves of ordinary people during insight experiences are...
The brain waves of ordinary people during insight experiences are unique. Their brains are in special states. Laurie Nadel
Try to become aware of one feeling a day, keeping...
Try to become aware of one feeling a day, keeping in mind that by doing so, you are building your data bank of self-knowledge Laurie Nadel
Self-trust firms up your inner territory and grounds you with...
Self-trust firms up your inner territory and grounds you with solid premises for believing in who you are. Laurie Nadel
When in doubt, reinforce your self-trust.
When in doubt, reinforce your self-trust. Laurie Nadel
The fact that establishment scientists say something doesn’t exist doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It only means that science has no effective way to measure it. Laurie Nadel
Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic.
Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. Paul OBrien
In the business people with expertise, experience and evidence will...
In the business people with expertise, experience and evidence will make more profitable decisions than people with instinct, intuition and imagination. Amit Kalantri
Learn to hear your inner voice, be led by your...
Learn to hear your inner voice, be led by your heart and never stop giving back — this way you shall always walk the right path and shall never be walking alone. Aleksej Metelko
If its almost right its wrong. Pay attention to your...
If its almost right its wrong. Pay attention to your hesitation Renae A. Sauter
Perhaps the most important thing we can ever do in...
Perhaps the most important thing we can ever do in our life is to find a way to our intuition. Ivan Erenda
You are surrounded by ignorance, savagery and fanaticism. You live in a society where everyone thinks he/she knows about everything in the whole universe. If you find yourself among those intellectual idiots, then being good and humble may give rise to doubts in your mind about your own ideas. So, you must first learn to distinguish between real and shallow intellect. Then, as a self- preservation tactic, you need to let your pretence of arrogance grow as big as a Dinosaur, so that the fake intellectuals start to realize their true inferiority in front of you. Abhijit Naskar
You must hiss at people who intend to undermine your individuality with their false pride and intellectual stupidity. You must frighten them away, lest they should do you harm. Act like you have a lot of venom inside you, but never inject them into anyone. Abhijit Naskar
Criticisms of a society filled with fools have no power...
Criticisms of a society filled with fools have no power in them to bother the sage that has emerged from the agonizing fire of misery. Abhijit Naskar
Never focus your attention on what the world has to say about you. Rather turn your focus inside and listen to what your inner voice has to say to you. You can find the answers to the most complicated questions of life from your deepest self. Pay attention and listen. Your inner self has to say something to you. Listen to that eternal entity within, and you shall discover the way through which you’ll reach your goal. Abhijit Naskar
Never focus your attention on what the world has to...
Never focus your attention on what the world has to say about you. Rather turn your focus inside and listen to what your inner voice has to say to you. Abhijit Naskar
Have faith in yourself. All the power is in your...
Have faith in yourself. All the power is in your biology already. Be conscious of that power and bring it out. Remember, truth is indestructible, virtue is indestructible, purity is indestructible. Abhijit Naskar
â€â€¹You can find the answers to the most complicated questions...
â€â€¹You can find the answers to the most complicated questions of life from your deepest self. Pay attention and listen. Abhijit Naskar
Light up the radiant flame of conscience, goodwill and compassion in your heart, and go over the length and breadth of your society in the pursuit of shedding light over the whole world. And in time, you’ll become a glorious sun that will shine over the entire human population. Abhijit Naskar
Do not listen to a single soul, but your own inner voice. Foster your will and make it as wild as possible. Dive deep into the mysterious fathoms of the universe and accomplish your purpose by hook or by crook, even if it means going down to the bottom of the ocean to meet your doom. Abhijit Naskar
With each drop of tear that we shed in our...
With each drop of tear that we shed in our times of excruciating pain, our brain constructs majestic new cellular connections to aid in the pursuit of our passion - in the pursuit of truth. Abhijit Naskar
There is a part of us that knows the timing of any relationship. It knows things that we cannot work out. It knows when to say yes. It knows when to say no. It knows when to wait. It knows when something has finished. It knows when something has started. It knows when we have a responsibility to another person. It knows when the ties are untied. It will not betray us or another. Donna Goddard
Follow your intuition not other people's words
Follow your intuition not other people's words Candice Galek
When you choose intuitive living, you are signing a contract...
When you choose intuitive living, you are signing a contract with the Soul and the Spirit that you will follow your own path. Katalin BatorHos
When you are close to divine and get guidance from the divine, life becomes easy. Intuition is where peace, magic and glory are. Hina Hashmi
Intuition goes before you, showing you the way. Emotion follows behind, to let you know when you go astray. Listen to your inner voice. It is the calling of your spiritual GPS system seeking to keep you on track towards your true destiny. Anthon St. Maarten
Your intuition won't fail you, the quest dear; is to silence your mind so you can feel your way home. Nikki Rowe
If you can't open it, it's not your door. So, don't force it. Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
Your angels know exactly how much information you can handle at any one moment. Catherine Carrigan
Don't go against your inner knowing. Just don't. Trust yourself. Maria Erving
You have the right to follow your heart. Do what feels right, for you. Maria Erving
Trust your guidance and don't look back. Maria Erving
To experience more synchronicity and 'coincidences' we need to listen and be aware of the world around us and also our intuition. That's how the universe speaks to itself, it's an ongoing flow of information that comes from both the outside and from within. Pay attention to how the universe speaks to you today and participate in the flow by being attentive and by listening to your inner voice. Maria Erving
The grandest form of delusion is misconstruing the obvious. Persons with an open, inquisitive, and intuitive mind can detect hidden clues that aggressive, narrow-minded, and impatient rationalist fail to perceive. Kilroy J. Oldster
If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. Trust your intuition and don't ask "why", just say no. Maria Erving
Intuition knows what the mind can't see yet. Maria Erving
Intuition is the gift of knowing, hearing, feeling, or seeing through our spiritual senses. Catherine Carrigan
You can get in touch with your intuition simply by asking yourself what your soul longs for you to do, be and have — that’s it! No woo woo instruction required! Catherine Carrigan
You may not be given the whole story when you ask for guidance, only the part you are psychologically equipped to handle. Catherine Carrigan
The gift of intuition may bless you with powerful symbols that convey feelings, energy and emotions beyond what words could ever express. Catherine Carrigan
Your inner messages stand apart because rather than trying to control you, your soul wants to liberate you. Catherine Carrigan
Your soul has truly important information to share because it sees, hears, feels and knows from a totally expansive perspective. Catherine Carrigan
Even if you can’t see the whole road ahead, you can ask for the one step that will lead you forward. Catherine Carrigan
Just by asking for your one next step you can give yourself permission to be divinely led to the people, places and resources that will allow you to move forward. Catherine Carrigan
You can release your fear of what may come to you intuitively by developing a healthier relationship with yourself. Catherine Carrigan
Discover how to live in the flow of your true energy and notice how your intuition comes more naturally. Catherine Carrigan
Gut feelings are often the first inkling you receive that something is not quite right in any situation. Catherine Carrigan
When you are starting out practicing your own intuition, it is often easiest to ask for guidance about subjects you care little about, such as whether to buy apples or oranges at the grocery, whether to take the city streets or the highway, what color clothes to wear that day and any other of the simple little decisions you have to make all day long. Catherine Carrigan
The only way to get truly great intuitive information is to show up and get out of your own way. Catherine Carrigan
The next time someone chides you for using your intuition, inform them that you are just checking in with the 96 percent of the universe that can’t be counted up, analyzed or measured. Catherine Carrigan
Just as we are blessed with a brain through which we learn and understand, ears with which to hear, fingers and toes and a body through which to feel, and a pair of eyes through which we learn to see, I believe our soul is also blessed with senses. Catherine Carrigan
Intuition is a feeling and we must let it overtake our thoughts. Matthew Donnelly
Anytime you "know" something to be true, even when outward circumstances or facts seem to be telling you otherwise, you have experienced your intuition. Remember that feeling. It will be your touchstone in the future. Patricia Troyer
We are eternal beings who are connected to God, Source, or whatever you feel comfortable labeling the Divine. What this means is that we are here for joy and for love. Susan Barbara Apollon
Extraordinary moments often involve a sense of connection, as well as communication, with something that we intuitively know goes well beyond this plane of reality. Susan Barbara Apollon