3 Quotes & Sayings By Alan Lemay

Alan LeMay is a former teacher and college professor who discovered the power of writing. He began writing novels in 1996 after a bout of writer's block. He has since written over 50 novels and two non-fiction books, which have been published in more than a dozen countries. After a failed attempt at selling his first novel on Amazon, Alan became a full-time author in 2012 Read more

His books have been featured in national newspapers and magazines such as USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Crain's Chicago Business, and Publishers Weekly. Alan also teaches online courses on how to write fiction and non-fiction.

Why is it a man can never seem to buckle down and train himself to indolence and stupidity when he can see what sanctuary they offer from toil and pain? Alan LeMay
There is a great independence, and a confident immunity to risk, in all drinks made out of cactus. Alan LeMay