3 Quotes & Sayings By Alan Hovhaness

Alan Hovhaness was a composer who had a prolific and acclaimed career spanning more than seven decades. He was a leading figure in 20th-century music, writing a wide range of works including more than 150 symphonies, concertos, chamber works, oratorios, and choral compositions. His music is known for its epic quality and its focus on Eastern themes. In addition to more than 100 works for orchestra including Symphony No Read more

5 “The Epic”, Hovhaness also wrote about 200 songs for voice and piano, as well as orchestral suites, sacred vocal works, and a large number of smaller-scaled pieces.

I've always regarded nature as the clothing of God. Alan Hovhaness
It's hard for me to think of others because I'm not particularly in sympathy with the music of this century. Alan Hovhaness