3 Quotes & Sayings By Adrien Brody

Adrien Brody has established himself as one of the most respected actors of his generation. He has worked with some of the most celebrated directors in Hollywood including Wim Wenders, James Ivory, Mike Nichols, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Roland Joffe, John Madden and John Huston. Brody is best known for his roles in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Pianist, The Village, King Kong and American Gangster. Brody is also a producer Read more

He was nominated for an Oscar for his work on the Coen Brothers’ film No Country for Old Men. He also directed two short films: Kill Your Darlings (in competition at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival) and Self-Portrait (which won him the Best Short Film Award at San Francisco's International Film Festival). His latest film is We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011), directed by Lynne Ramsay.

It's great when people appreciate your work, but I don't know how seriously to take it. The amazing thing is that I found something so early that I can support myself doing, and that can even be extremely lucrative, but I love it either way. Adrien Brody
My dad told me, 'It takes fifteen years to be an overnight success', and it took me seventeen and a half years. Adrien Brody