3 Quotes & Sayings By Adam Millard

Adam Millard is a professional writer, editor, and author of the upcoming book "The Fall of Georgia." As a journalist and writer, he has covered such diverse topics as alcoholism, homelessness, and the fall of the Soviet Union. He has also written for such publications as The Nation and Salon.com. His latest work is a nonfiction book about the life and times of the late great journalist Bill Moyers. He lives in Atlanta.

For the next century, no elf is to be banished to the human world. No more Star Wars, no more Harry Potter, no more Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and no more body-doubling for Tom Cruise. Elves shouldn't be treated like shit. We're not Mexicans. Adam Millard
If you were to tell the thing down at the bottom of that pit it had napped through forty-two presidential inaugurations, eight British coronations, sixteen popes and three number ones by the Danish pop group, Aqua, it would have told you to stop talking nonsense and shut the fuck up. It had slept, somewhat peacefully, through Emmet’s Insurrection, World War I and II, Vietnam, and even the Great War of Blur Vs. Oasis. Adam Millard