6 Quotes & Sayings By Adam Davidson

Adam Davidson is a senior staff writer for the New Yorker. He writes about economics, business, and the intersection of economics and politics. His first book, Boomerang: Travels Back to My Former Self, chronicles his journey from a life of privilege and affluence as a member of the "1%" to his present life as a journalist and author. Adam's work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and Elle among other publications Read more

His writing has been featured on NPR's All Things Considered and was adapted for radio for National Public Radio by the award-winning playwright Lucas Hnath.

I'm not the first to admit that raising a child in Park Slope, Brooklyn, can bear an embarrassing resemblance to the TV show 'Portlandia.' My wife and I try to have some ironic distance from the culture of organic, chemical-free parenting, but we're often participants. Adam Davidson
Happiness statistics may be most valuable in smaller, local discussions. Understanding how different sorts of programs affect the well-being of citizens would be enormously helpful to a mayor choosing between building a new bridge or offering a tax cut. Adam Davidson
Holiday binge-buying has deep roots in American culture: department stores have been associating turkey gluttony with its spending equivalent since they began sponsoring Thanksgiving Day parades in the early 20th century. Adam Davidson
I don't think that much change comes from economists. I think it comes more from political realities. Probably the two giants of the 20th century, who actually did shift government policy in the U.S. and around the world, were John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman. I don't see anybody in our system who is at that level of influence. Adam Davidson
The American dream always meant that anybody willing to put in a hard day's work could make a decent living. That's just not true anymore for people without at least some post-high school education. Adam Davidson