18 Quotes About Wu Wei

These wise wu-wei quotes will remind you that you’re not in control of what happens to you. You can try your best to make things happen, but no matter how hard you try, sometimes the universe takes care of itself. There are times when it is important to not try too hard and simply accept the reality of the situation. And there are other times when we need to take action, act with intent, and actively move toward our goals Read more

When the universe chooses, we can choose to act in harmony with that choice.

Music open our minds to allow the perception of new...
Music open our minds to allow the perception of new thoughts of a higher nature, which gives us a spiritual lift, which produces yet more joy. Wu Wei
Everything that happens, happens at the only possible time it...
Everything that happens, happens at the only possible time it can happen, and it is always at exactly the right time. Wu Wei
It takes practice, feeling happy about the ever enfolding events of life, and, because of all the conditioning we have undergone before this, it may be very difficult to make the change, but if we take the saying to heart and practice it, as the days unfold we will find ourselves living ever happier lives, smiling more, and finally, laughing more. Wu Wei
It is more important that we listen to others than...
It is more important that we listen to others than to always be speaking, for in that way we learn what there is to know. We should be easy to talk to, and grateful for new information. Wu Wei
Faith is stronger than so-called reality. Wu Wei
The person with a joyous heart is a treasure to be with, a wellspring of inspiration, and a fit companion. When we are joyous of heart, we hear a resonance in the songs of the birds, see resonance in the opening of a flower, and feel it in the pressure of a friend’s hand. Wu Wei
To attract people naturally, effortlessly, we need only follow the true prompting of our hearts. Wu Wei
Doing or not doing something - they are similar. Both involve an action and sincerity. CLAMP
To lead people or influence them, we must first align ourselves with them. By identifying with individuals or groups, we gain their confidence and can then lead them into a higher understanding or direct them to the achievement of lofty goals. Wu Wei
A diminished self-image causes us to slouch, to avoid looking others in the eye, to be unassertive, to be indecisive. On the other hand, a healthy self-image causes us to carry ourselves well, to speak confidently and to portray dignity. Wu Wei
A diminished self-image causes us to slouch, to avoid looking others in the eye, to be unassertive, to be indecisive. On the other hand, a healthy self-image causes us to carry ourselves well, to speak confidently and to portray dignity. If we have not taken the time and thought to create a wonderful self-image for ourselves, we have had less, been less, and done less than was possible for us than if we had. We can improve our self-images at any moment including this one. . Wu Wei
Everything that happens, happens at the only possible time it can happen, and it is always at exactly the right time. We cannot get to an appointment before we arrive–or after. It is only at the instant of our arrival that we can arrive, and that is always at exactly the right moment, the perfect moment, the only possible moment. Wu Wei
We have the best chance of communicating our thoughts if we are sincere and speak from the heart, without hidden intent. Wu Wei
A person who speaks as if he knows everything soon drives away his listeners. The Universe communicates itself to us in many ways, and sometimes, it is through the words of others. If we act the know-it-all, others may refrain from talking to us, and we may fail to get the message they could have given us. Wu Wei
Rest is essential, but during our periods of rest, we must think to ourselves that in resting we are renewing our energy to fulfill our commitment. Wu Wei
Even the worst outcome we can imagine will ultimately benefit us. It is because of that law of favor-ability that the Universe is able to continue and we are able to bring about the fruition of our plans. Wu Wei
To be joyous of heart is to hold an optimistic outlook, to see adversity as opportunity, to see failure as the starting point of success, to view our stubbed toes as the release of acupuncture points, to wake with a feeling of gratitude, and to sleep with a sustaining, unfaltering trust in the Universe of which we are a part. The person with a joyous heart is a treasure to be with, a wellspring of inspiration, and a fit companion. When we are joyous of heart, we hear a resonance in the songs of the birds, see resonance in the opening of a flower, and feel it in the pressure of a friend’s hand. Wu Wei