100 Quotes About Within

The world is filled with unhappy people, but there’s no reason to be one of them. We see this all over the place. People who are sad, tired, and frustrated aren’t living like they want to be. What if you could learn from the mistakes of others and do things differently? Or what if you could discover your own solution to the problem of being unhappy? The below collection of wise, inspirational, and humorous quotes about happiness will help you realize that you already have everything you need within you.

I imagine that the intelligent people are the ones so...
I imagine that the intelligent people are the ones so intelligent that they don't even need or want to look 'intelligent' anymore. Criss Jami
The universe contains many planets which make it what it is — a unified system. In addition, our bodies contain many organs, and each part is congruent to a planet in our solar system. The universe we see out our eyes is a mirror of what is within us. This is what God meant by making man in his image. We are all made as a reflection of God and that reflection of him is within us. Furthermore, not only are all religions connected to the same Truth, or Cosmic Heart, but this concept is also mirrored in the pantheons of ancient religions, where each of the many gods simply represented one set of characteristics of the ONE. And in all cases, these many gods symbolized the planets, therefore mimicking the different parts of the universe and the ONE God’s many mirrors (He Who is All). The structure behind all polytheistic religions of the past and present is one and the same. They are all built on the same foundation as Nature. Suzy Kassem
What is life to Spirit, is death to the ego.
What is life to Spirit, is death to the ego. Vivian Amis
She wished she could visit Mariam's grave, to sit with her awhile, leave a flower or two. But she sees now that it doesn't matter. Mariam is never very far.... Mariam is in her own heart, where she shines with the bursting radiance of a thousand suns. Khaled Hosseini
Nothing is dark when you embosom your own light within...
Nothing is dark when you embosom your own light within you Munia Khan
True Love is when you are able to see yourself...
True Love is when you are able to see yourself in another, when you recognize that there is no separation between you and any other Being in the Universe. Joseph P. Kauffman
Have you ever had a dream that you were certain was real, only to wake up and realize that everyone and everything in the dream was really you? Well this is how many mystics describe the nature of our reality, as a dream in which we think we are individual personalities existing in the physical universe. But eventually, like in all dreams, we will wake up. Except in this dream we do not wake up to realize we are still in the world, we awake from the world to realize that we are God. Joseph P. Kauffman
All of Nature follows perfectly geometric laws. The Ancient Egyptian, Greek, Peruvian, Mayan, and Chinese cultures were well aware of this, as Phi–known as the Golden Ratio or Golden Mean–was used in the constructions of their sculptures and architecture. Joseph P. Kauffman
You are not limited to this body, to this mind, or to this reality–you are a limitless ocean of Consciousness, imbued with infinite potential. You are existence itself. Joseph P. Kauffman
In Advaita Vedanta, and in many other ancient wisdom traditions, the world is said to be an illusion. This illusion is commonly referred to as maya, a Sanskrit name which refers to the apparent, or objective reality which is superimposed on the ultimate reality in order to generate the phenomena of what we call the material world. Maya is the magic by which we create duality–by which we create two worlds from one. This creation is an illusory creation–it is not real–it is an imaginary manifestation of the one Universal Consciousness, appearing as all of the various phenomena in objective reality. Maya is God’s, or Consciousness’s, creative power of emptying or reflecting itself into all things and thus creating all things–the power of subjectivity to take on objective appearance. Joseph P. Kauffman
Examples of fractals are everywhere in nature. They can be found in the patterns of trees, branches, and ferns, in which each part appears to be a smaller image of the whole. They are found in the branch-like patterns of river systems, lightning, and blood vessels. They can be seen in snowflakes, seashells, crystals, and mountain ranges. We can even see the holographic and fractal-like nature of reality in the structure of the Universe itself, as the clusters of galaxies and dark matter resemble the neurons in our brain, the mycelium network of fungi, as well as the network of the man-made Internet. Joseph P. Kauffman
When we perceive the stars, the stars are the object of our perception–they exist within us. When we perceive the ocean, the ocean is also within us. The idea that things exist outside of our Consciousness is an illusion. Ancient wisdom traditions have known this for centuries, and even modern science has recognized that our sense organs merely receive information and project it within our own minds. Vision does not take place in the eye, but in an area located in the back of the brain. Everything that we perceive to be “out there” is being experienced “in here. Joseph P. Kauffman
We are only able to disrespect, mistreat, and harm one another when we forget that the other person is us; when we only see the objects of form, and not the subjective Consciousness that lies within. Lust, greed, violence, selfishness–all arise from perceiving others in terms of their individual differences, seeing them only as bodies, and what we can get from them as bodies, rather than acknowledging the Being that lies within the body. Joseph P. Kauffman
Our beliefs shape how we perceive reality to be, and the belief that shapes our current perception of reality was adopted by the worldview of Newtonian physics, which asserts that reality is objective–that there is a material universe existing outside of our experience. But this isn’t true; there is no material universe outside of you; the Universe takes form through you. Joseph P. Kauffman
Everything exists as information in a field of infinite possibilities,...
Everything exists as information in a field of infinite possibilities, and it is our Consciousness that renders the information and causes it to appear as the material world. Joseph P. Kauffman
Everything we perceive to be solid and static is made...
Everything we perceive to be solid and static is made up of almost entirely empty space. Joseph P. Kauffman
You are not a small and unimportant creature confined to the form of this physical body, contrary to popular belief. At the core of your being you are pure awareness, and this awareness is the same source from which everything in the Universe arises, exists as, and returns to. Consciousness is the dimension of yourself that you have forgotten you are, and of which you long to return to. Joseph P. Kauffman
Jehovah, the Christian name for God derived from the Hebrew Yahweh, (from the letters YHWH), is translated as "I AM." YOU ARE the essence of life–the Cosmic Consciousness that creates, lives in, and destroys all things. In Buddhism, your true nature is referred to as your “Buddha Nature.” Muslims refer to it as Allah, Native tribes have often called it the Great Spirit, Taoists refer to it as the Tao, and numerous other cultures throughout history have all created their own distinctive names for it. But the one eternal reality that these cultures point to remains the same–and this reality is YOU. Joseph P. Kauffman
Subject and object are not separate–so-called objective reality is projected by our subjective Consciousness. Joseph P. Kauffman
The world exists because your mind exists. If your mind didn’t exist, there would be no world. As you look at these words, you see them in what appears to be a reality outside of you. What you are really seeing is the image that your mind is creating from the electrical signals being sent to your brain. While they may appear to be outside of you, this is an illusion, they exist within your own mind, and are being projected to appear as if they are outside of you. This apparent reality that is projected by our minds, is maya, and to believe that maya is the ultimate reality is a result of ignorance, or avidya in Sanskrit. Joseph P. Kauffman
God is the ultimate ground of Being, and this ultimate...
God is the ultimate ground of Being, and this ultimate ground of Being is YOU. For one who realizes their true nature as God, as Consciousness, life becomes a joy without end. Joseph P. Kauffman
When we see one another as different aspects of ourselves–as ourselves experiencing a different situation and circumstance–we develop a love, a connection, and a unity that allows us to see beyond the various forms, as well as the various ways that someone may act out when they have forgotten their connection and their formless nature. If you look at another in this light, you will see a Being that is just like you, looking back at you . Joseph P. Kauffman
We are like waves in the ocean, each with a unique character and quality on the surface, but deep down we are eternally connected to one another and to the ocean as a whole. If you practice looking beyond the surface of appearances, you will begin to see the true Being that lies within each form. You will see your Consciousness looking through the eyes of another, and it is when you see yourself in another that you cannot help but develop compassion for them; because in Truth, there is no “them, ” there is only YOU, experiencing yourself from an inconceivable amount of perspectives. Joseph P. Kauffman
According to Zen Buddhists, all things have their existence in The Void. The Void is that which is no-thing, but contains all things within it, or as some Christian mystics state, “God is Nothing; He is Utterly Other; He is the VOID. Joseph P. Kauffman
We often try to force the experience we want to have, instead of allowing the experience we were meant to have, and in doing this, we miss out on gaining any new insight or understanding. Joseph P. Kauffman
Until we heal the root cause of our suffering, and...
Until we heal the root cause of our suffering, and awaken to our true nature, our inherent confusion will continue to manifest itself in the world around us. Joseph P. Kauffman
This witnessing consciousness, this formless dimension of yourself, is the awareness in which your experience happens, yet it remains untouched by this experience at all times. It is similar to the background of white on which you are reading these words. This white background allows any and every word to exist within it, yet it is not confined to any of these words. Similarly, your awareness allows any and every form to exist within it, but it is not bound to any of these forms. . Joseph P. Kauffman
Because we feel ourselves to be separate from the world in which we live, we have also grown to feel quite alone in this world. Our sense of loneliness and isolation not only makes us feel depressed and miserable, but it also causes us to be anxious and afraid of the world and everyone in it. Because of this inherent fear, we put up all kinds of barriers to protect us from the world–barriers that we have created to keep us safe, but that really end up making us feel more alone, more miserable, and more afraid, as they prevent us from being our natural selves. Joseph P. Kauffman
We have become disconnected from our true selves, and naturally, this has produced a deep sense of lack in our lives, causing us to endlessly search for happiness in objects, experiences, and people to fill the emptiness and make us feel whole again. We crave pleasure, material riches, and stimulating experiences–anything that will distract us from this inherent lack of connection. But no matter how hard we try to escape it, eventually the sensation returns. And that is because we are looking for the answer to our freedom in all the wrong places. We are looking for freedom in the world, when the answer to ending our suffering lies within us. Until we heal the root cause of our suffering, and awaken to our true nature, our inherent confusion will continue to manifest itself in the world around us. Joseph P. Kauffman
It is because we feel that we are separate from nature that we also feel it is okay to manipulate it, pollute it, and cause it harm. We project our inner turmoil onto the planet, causing outer turmoil. Nearly all of the disasters of our time–war, famine, oppression, social injustice, environmental pollution, extinction–arise from this delusional belief that we have an existence independent of the world we live in. All of this misery, all of this destruction, all of this pain and suffering, is caused by our failure to realize that there is no separation and that really we are all one. . Joseph P. Kauffman
We cannot learn if we are stuck in our mind’s conditioned way of thinking. We must be open to discovering the Truth, whatever it may turn out to be. This requires a state of openness, curiosity, and sincerity, a state of pure awareness, a state of observing reality without jumping to conclusions about what reality is. This state of direct experience is known in Zen as “beginner’s mind, ” and it is essential to embody this state when we want to understand our experience. . Joseph P. Kauffman
No label can define the immensity of your True nature. You are the awareness that precedes every label, the awareness that is perceiving these words and turning them into thoughts, the awareness that creates the world with every act of observation. Joseph P. Kauffman
You cannot be aware of yourself, for you are awareness itself. How can a witness witness itself? That is like trying to see your own eyes without a reflection, or cut a knife with the tip of its own blade–it is impossible. The subject can only observe the object; it cannot make an object out of itself. But by the very act of observing, you indirectly know yourself as the observer, as the subject. No witnessing of the witness is needed to prove its existence. Joseph P. Kauffman
The modern scientist attempts to step outside of himself in order to observe himself, an attempt that is always doomed to failure. You cannot make an object out of your subjective experience, but you know that consciousness exists, simply because you exist. Joseph P. Kauffman
We only suffer when we falsely identify with the objects that arise in our awareness, rather than with the awareness itself–when we identify with our thoughts, with our emotions, our personal history, and the many stories we tell ourselves. When you reconnect to your source–the essence of your being, the pure and impartial witness–you become free from all of the troubles of the material world; free from the world of form. You no longer feel the desire to cling to forms or depend on them for your happiness. Instead, you are free to enjoy form, free to let form be, and free to allow all forms to come and go as they please. All forms are impermanent and changing, but your consciousness, being formless, is eternal, and exists regardless of the forms that it gives life to. Joseph P. Kauffman
Your true being, as Consciousness, is ever at peace, ever at rest, eternally existing in the dimension of here and now. It is the formless and eternal quality within you that expresses itself through the world of form. Joseph P. Kauffman
If your consciousness is without form, without quality, and without characteristics of any kind, would that not imply that the consciousness in every other being is also formless? And if they are all without form, how can you distinguish their consciousness from your own? What forms would you use to compare them? Isn’t the observing you exactly the same as the observing them? Joseph P. Kauffman
The consciousness inhabiting your body is exactly the same as the consciousness inhabiting my body. We are one. The delusion that we are separate beings comes from identifying with the world of form–with our names, our bodies, our roles, our beliefs, our thoughts, and all of the mental constructs that we have created; but even these are more connected to the universe than we realize. Joseph P. Kauffman
Your body and my body are both totally made up of and dependent upon the elements of the earth–the water, the air, the heat, the land, the soil and the food it produces–as well as all of the elements that these elements are dependent upon–the sun, the stars, the galaxies, and a vast field of energy and space to contain them in. Nature is our extended body, and the elements outside of our skin are just as important to our health as the elements within our skin. Our bodies are connected to the universe as a whole, and consequently to each other and the many ways in which we influence our shared environment. Joseph P. Kauffman
When we look at a tree, we do not see the tree for what it really is. We see how it appears to us on the surface, and we dismiss it as being just another form in the Universe. We fail to realize that the tree is connected to the Universe on every level; that all of nature is expressing itself through that single form. There can be no tree without the earth that it grows from, the sun that gives it energy, the water that nourishes its growth, and the millions of fungi and bacteria fertilizing its soil. Looking deeply into anything in nature, we realize that it is connected to the whole. We see that nature is one seamless web, and the notion that things have an existence of their own is merely an illusion. Joseph P. Kauffman
You do not have an existence independent of your environment,...
You do not have an existence independent of your environment, but rather you are your environment, and your environment is you. Joseph P. Kauffman
You are just as connected to the Universe as a...
You are just as connected to the Universe as a finger is to a hand, or as a branch is to a tree. The entire cosmos is expressing itself through your being. Joseph P. Kauffman
Buddhist philosophy points out that the true nature of all forms is essentially formless. Forms do not have an existence of their own, but rather they arise together, and are mutually dependent on one another. Everything in the world of form is constantly changing, constantly dying, and constantly being reborn–which is why Buddhists say that there is no-self; no form that has an existence in and of itself. Joseph P. Kauffman
We fail to see the oneness of all things, and because of this, we unknowingly cause a lot of harm to ourselves. We pollute the Earth that we live on, cut down the trees that produce our oxygen, destroy the ecosystems of nature and the animals that maintain them, and we mistreat and harm each other, thinking that these destructive actions will not have a direct effect on us. Joseph P. Kauffman
Every being experiences themselves as the center of their experience. Consciousness is what lies at our very core, and connects us all to each other. We may appear to be separate and individual because of the various forms our Consciousness inhabits, but below the surface the substance of our being is one and the same. Joseph P. Kauffman
We are so fascinated by the complexity and beauty of the various forms in nature, that we have been led away from the formless dimension of Consciousness that lies at our very center. When you look at a person, you see many differences in their unique form, and often we compare, contrast, and judge one another because of the forms that we inhabit. But if you look beyond the various qualities and characteristics of form, and look another person in the eyes, you see a Being, and it is this Being that lies beneath the surface of form that connects us all. That is why the eyes are often referred to as the gateway to the soul, because they allow us to see and feel the presence of another Being, and realize our oneness. . Joseph P. Kauffman
Happiness springs up from within. Do not seek it without.
Happiness springs up from within. Do not seek it without. Ogwo David Emenike
When you see Happiness as a far sighted vision or...
When you see Happiness as a far sighted vision or goal, you miss the happiness within! Harrish Sairaman
The power within is strength of the spirit.
The power within is strength of the spirit. Lailah Gifty Akita
Regret is the strongest anchor that latches on to the...
Regret is the strongest anchor that latches on to the ground, and you carry it within you, it is a feeling quite unlike others for it is despair mingled with hope. Saim .A. Cheeda
18. Your life is before you. Be careful of the choices you make now that you could regret later. This regret is the subject of an old poem whose author has been forgotten. I hope you’ll never have reason to apply it to yourself. Across the fields of yesterday, He sometimes comes to me A little lad just back from play– The boy I used to be. He looks at me so wistfully When once he’s crept within; It is as if he hoped to see The man I might have been. James C. Dobson
Our biological rhythms are the symphony of the cosmos, music...
Our biological rhythms are the symphony of the cosmos, music embedded deep within us to which we dance, even when we can't name the tune. Deepak Chopra
What surrounds us is what is within us.
What surrounds us is what is within us. T.F. Hodge
Day or night, good or bad…all things from within.
Day or night, good or bad…all things from within. T.F. Hodge
APPLY WITHINYou once told me You wanted to find Yourself in the world -And I told you to First apply within, To discover the worldwithin you. You once told me You wanted to save The world from all its wars -And I told you to First save yourself From the world, And all the wars You put yourself Through. A P P L Y WITHIN by Suzy Kassem Suzy Kassem
Kindled the fire within you.
Kindled the fire within you. Lailah Gifty Akita
We all have sweet spots when triggered, we unleash our...
We all have sweet spots when triggered, we unleash our potential. Best motivation is when it comes from within. Find your sweet spots and get motivated to accomplish extraordinary things! ! ! Assegid Habtewold
Whatever a man needs is within himself.
Whatever a man needs is within himself. Lailah Gifty Akita
ΛαθράνθρωποÏ‚, οι = á¼â€šÎ½Î¸ÏÏ‰ποÏ‚/οι, που λαθραῖα συν~κατα~λέγονται στο εἲδοÏ‚ των ἀνθρῶπων ~ Lathranthrope, Lathranthropes = the person or persons that get smuggled into being included within the Human species neology by Ale3ia . Ale3ia
Λαθρανθρωπία = το να συν~κατα~λέγεται λαθραῖα ἒνα á¼â€šÏ„ομο/α, στο εἲδοÏ‚ των ἀνθρῶπων.~ Lathranthropia = the smuggled inclusion of a person or persons within the Human species. neology by Ale3ia . Ale3ia
There is no window to look outside. There is no...
There is no window to look outside. There is no window to look within. Open the doors. Sanhita Baruah
The holy war is within.
The holy war is within. Lailah Gifty Akita
Every war carries within it the seeds of the next.
Every war carries within it the seeds of the next. Joe Abercrombie
Perhaps many things inside you have been transformed; perhaps somewhere, someplace deep inside your being, you have undergone important changes while you were sad. The only sadnesses that are dangerous and unhealthy are the ones that we carry around in public in order to drown them out with the noise; like diseases that are treated superficially and foolishly, they just withdraw and after a short interval break out again all the more terribly; and gather inside us and are life, are life that is unlived, rejected, lost, life that we can die of. Rainer Maria Rilke
One day, your light will silence the darkness, and you...
One day, your light will silence the darkness, and you will be surrounded by the beauty within. A.D. Posey
Seeked of self love.
Seeked of self love. Nikki Rowe
We encounter truth within. A.D. Posey
Submit in silence and scream from within. Or... Stand up and shout and silence the pain. Anthony T. Hincks
...now open your mind by closing your eyessee the unseen world within you which lies From the poem 'The Unseen World Munia Khan
Σῶμα ὑγιέÏ‚ ἐν νοῦν ὑγιῆ ~ A healthy body, within a healthy mind Unknown
The light within us can always identify our mind’s darkness Munia Khan
Before you accomplish your dreams physically, your inner make up, mindset, emotions and perception have fought the battle mentally and that already determined how the battle will be fought physically. Israelmore Ayivor
See with a different eye, visualize with a colorful mind, manifest your thoughts with the energy within. Michael Bassey Johnson
The desert and the ocean are realms of desolation on the surface. The desert is a place of bones, where the innards are turned out, to desiccate into dust. The ocean is a place of skin, rich outer membranes hiding thick juicy insides, laden with the soup of being. Inside out and outside in. These are worlds of things that implode or explode, and the only catalyst that determines the direction of eco-movement is the balance of water. Both worlds are deceptive, dangerous. Both, seething with hidden life. The only veil that stands between perception of what is underneath the desolate surface is your courage. Dare to breach the surface and sink. Vera Nazarian
Look for the inner ANGEL in yourself. Doing good and spreading JOY can be as natural here on Earth as it is in Heaven. Sharing our LOVE is not only easy to do, it is what we are meant to do. May we take the time today to find the inner angel inside ourselves. I hope that we let that angel out to bless the world with our love and always remember that we don't need wings to fly! Angie Karan
Some increase happens within us and are not seen by the outside world Sunday Adelaja
A spark of every fire we seek is already within us. Kamand Kojouri
People spend their entire lives searching the world for the pieces that will make them whole, yet those pieces are only found within them. Ken Poirot
25. Whenever two human beings spend time together, sooner or later they will probably irritate one another. This is true of best friends, married couples, parents and children, or teachers and students. The question is: How do they respond when friction occurs? There are four basic ways they can react:- They can internalize the anger and send it downward into a memory bank that never forgets. This creates great pressure within and can even result in disease and other problems.- They can pout and be rude without discussing the issues. This further irritates the other person and leaves him or her to draw his or her own conclusions about what the problem may be.- They can blow up and try to hurt the other person. This causes the death of friendships, marriages, homes, and businesses.- Or they can talk to one another about their feelings, being very careful not to attack the dignity and worth of the other person. This approach often leads to permanent and healthy relationships. James C. Dobson
As we grow we seem to go further and further away from that child which rests within. But there was no choice and so we wander beyond innocence, beyond the touch of insanity and groom ourselves into the tastes of the society, fit in to their needs and instead of becoming a part of them we become like them. Chirag Tulsiani
Within Eros, there is (the) promise; within Love there is (the) Truth. Noetis
If you are unaware of what's within, you will be shown in the mirror of your near future life experience. Wiser to keep a step ahead. Jay Woodman
Leonardo believed his research had thepotential to convert millions to a more spiritual life. Last year he categorically proved the existence ofan energy force that unites us all. He actually demonstrated that we are all physically connected… thatthe molecules in your body are intertwined with the molecules in mine… that there is a single forcemoving within all of us.” Langdon felt disconcerted. And the power of God shall unite us all. “Mr. Vetra actually found a wayto demonstrate that particles are connected?”“ Conclusive evidence. A recent Scientific American article hailed New Physics as a surer path to Godthan religion itself. . Dan Brown
Inspiration is not the thing which can be seek, its right within you. Ujas Soni
Sunbathe from within. Dejan Stojanovic
If you're searching for something out in the world to bring you happiness, wealth or love, then you are in for a tough journey. The key to success is never out there, but rather within. It is merely a side effect of awakening the divine within! Erin Fall Haskell
When that light within begins to dim, fan the flame just enough to spark something! Sanjo Jendayi
Learn to be your own best friend first then you will find true happiness, because happiness is from within. Gift Gugu Mona
Inside your dream is a nation. To the rest of the world it is invisible, yet it is the only thing you see. It is your imagination. J.R. Rim
Attitude determines how the “inner battle” is won. Israelmore Ayivor
Within every little dream seed is the potential viability of sprouting to becoming a great forest. Israelmore Ayivor
Cars are empowered by either petrol or diesel or gas. That is their fuel. I don't care whether you want to pour pepper soup or orange juice into that car... It can't work! You can't live without intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and move forward Israelmore Ayivor
Live whatever draws out the magic within. A.D. Posey
Your spirit knows your purpose launch yourself into a highest virtues from within. Napz Cherub Pellazo
You have everything inside you, though you sometimes only recognise certain bits relating to the current stage of your path. Jay Woodman
Wander around wonder for awhile and awaken wisdom within. Soul Dancer
And we have the tools. We have the tools to choose. They are free, and within you now! It is the tool of conscious thought. Imagine your life and how it could be better if you used the power of conscious thought effectively? Tony Curl
Without Psychological Evolution there cannot be any form of revolution. The self is constantly changing. Be involved, be evolved, be revolutionized as lucent and fresh as the new wave hitting at the shore. Become the Sea of Changes. It starts from within. Grigoris Deoudis
We always look behind, through, and beyond ourselves, never within. Vert
When you strip away all the layers one by one, not much remains to “discover.” You will never find real meaning among your selfish interests, feelings, and aspirations. The answers do not lie within you. James C. Dobson