23 Quotes About Winner

When you win, you feel a sense of accomplishment. When you have a sense of accomplishment, you feel a sense of well being. When you feel well being, you can achieve more. It's a circle that is self-reinforcing Read more

The winning quotes below will motivate and inspire you to achieve more in life and achieve more often.

You must know in what way you are going to use the morphology and syntax to build your 'how Frederick Vanderbuilt
You are strong because of what you overcame, brave because...
You are strong because of what you overcame, brave because of what you defeated, fierce because of what you mastered, and powerful because of what you conquered. Matshona Dhliwayo
When you succeed in showing the real products that this...
When you succeed in showing the real products that this disappearing life has produced, then you are said to be a winner. Sunday Adelaja
I've come to realize that life is neither a battle nor a game to be won, it is a game nonetheless, but to be played... enjoyed. There are neither winners nor losers... just players--and what's great is that you can choose who to play with Val Uchendu
It is in vain to try and stop a star...
It is in vain to try and stop a star from rising, even with a ladder. Matshona Dhliwayo
If you fail a thousand times, find a thousand and...
If you fail a thousand times, find a thousand and one ways to succeed. Matshona Dhliwayo
To be a champion, compete; to be a great champion, compete with the best; but to be the greatest champion, compete with yourself. Matshona Dhliwayo
In the presence of the sun nobody sees the stars; excel, and you too will eclipse your competition. Matshona Dhliwayo
Only winners have fans, No one care about losers Mohammed Sekouty
Champions are made in the dark before they are revealed in light. Matshona Dhliwayo
One who conquers fear cannot be conquered by anyone. Matshona Dhliwayo
Today’s amateurs are tomorrow’s champions. Matshona Dhliwayo
When you accept you are a winner, that is when you will triumph. Stephen Richards
I will ignore those who ridicule me. I will ignore those who undermine me. I will ignore those who undervalue me. I will ignore those who envy me. I will ignore those who disparage me. I will ignore those who betray me. I will ignore those who wrong me. I will embrace those who mentor me. I will embrace those who support me. I will embrace those who celebrate me. I will embrace those who improve me. I will embrace those who inspire me. I will embrace those who motivate me. I will embrace those who love me. Matshona Dhiliwayo
You have not lost if you have learned one new lesson. You have not lost if you have helped one new person. You have not lost if you have overcome one new obstacle. Matshona Dhliwayo
A lifelong learner is a lifelong winner. Matshona Dhliwayo
Your greatest highs come from overcoming your greatest lows. Matshona Dhliwayo
Be a dreamer. Be a doer. Be a perseverer. Be a winner. Matshona Dhliwayo
I can conquer my fears. I can overcome my weaknesses. I can master my failures. I can survive my disappointments. I can beat my obstacles. I can endure my trials. I am strong. I am able. I am gifted. I am special. I am exceptional. Matshona Dhiliwayo
Be a teacher. Be a healer. Be a giver. Be a winner. Matshona Dhliwayo
If words were actions then we would all be winners! Stephen Richards
To be a good leader, win minds; to be a great leader, win heart’s; and to be an extraordinary leader, win souls. Matshona Dhliwayo