5 Quotes About Why Does An Orderly God Allow Disorder

It’s comforting to know that God exists. But how does He choose to intervene in our lives? Do we have free will to choose our own path? Is He the one who decides when we live and when we die? It may seem like a complex question, but these questions are actually easy to answer. Because of the existence of evil, chaos, and suffering in the world, many people believe that God is overwhelmed by these things and is therefore unable to intervene. But these beliefs are false Read more

God does not allow evil to exist. Instead, He causes evil to happen for His own purposes. These purposes are both mysterious and satisfying.

On one hand, God’s plan for human beings is unknown and unknowable. And on the other hand, His plan is good and it brings about all kinds of good in our lives throughout history. Let these important quotes about why does an orderly god allow disorder help you understand these mysteries better.

Gratitude without practicing maybe like practicing a faith without good work. A grateful heart is not enough without a grateful habit Unknown
Be careful because God's gifts alone are not able to give you joy Unknown
Thank God #EVEN# #THOUGH# in bad times not only in your good Unknown
What is your motive when you go to church? To feed or to be fed? To serve or to be served? To worship or to be worshipped? To praise or to be praised? To teach or to learn? To give or to receive? Remember the woman with the issue of blood did not met Jesus in the church. Blind barthimus was blind though he could hear did not see Jesus but heard about Jesus passing Unknown