7 Quotes About Who Care

Speaking of relationships, it’s important to remember that there are all kinds of relationships in life. You have your friends, family, and significant others to fall back on. There are the kind that are platonic, like coworkers or teachers, and then you have romantic relationships. Regardless of the relationship type, being there for others is essential to happiness Read more

Here are some simple reminders to help you care about others.

You know what I absolutely hate? When people say "the first African-american to do this or the first native to do this" like, seriously, I don't care. At all. I care much more about what you do than the color of your skin. You are just another human being like everybody else. Mekiah Johnson
If people doubt you, then you made progress from "who cares? Unknown
Critics are those righteous experts who judge other people's hard earned accomplishmens as they themselves stand on the sidelines of life. Aaron Lauritsen
Tried a lot, but can't find a companion like you my dear solitude. Let us shake our hands again. Sandeep Bhat
Who cares what time you wake up and go to bed? What matters most is what you do with your life in between. J.R. Rim
Jill! ” I called to her through our connecting bathroom as I pulled on some jeans. “You realize I’ve been more than twenty-four hours without a shower, right?” “Oh, who cares, ” she grumbled. “You look fine. Just put on some deodorant and a bra. I mean, aren’t we just going to be getting sweaty lugging your stuff down from storage anyway? J.M. Richards