5 Quotes About Wendy Walker

Sayings like “Tomorrow is another day’s work” and “Every cloud has a silver lining” can be eerily accurate. And they’re not just reserved for the world of motivational quotes. They’re true for all types of situations, whether it be life, love, loss, or work. And even though these inspirational quotes are true, their meanings are often lost on us Read more

That’s why we wanted to compile a list of some of the most inspiring wendy-walker quotes that will encourage you to look for the good in every situation.

Sitting on my bed with all these things I used to love but not loving them anymore, I just wanted to set them on fire. That's when I knew I was never going to be all right again. Wendy Walker
I wanted to peel myself off of me. Wendy Walker
He was that driven, that smart. But he could not sit still within himself. Wendy Walker
Every brain is different. And so must be every course of therapy. Wendy Walker