13 Quotes About Weaker

One of the most valuable lessons that we can learn from history is that of human nature. The quotes below are some of the best insights on what motivates us, who we are, and how we should act. These insightful quotes about human nature will help you understand your place in the world today.

When life goes, the body becomes weaker
When life goes, the body becomes weaker Sunday Adelaja
The courageous attitude of a leader awakens the dormant attitude of followers. The dormant attitude of a leader weakens the passionate attitude of followers. Leadership determines everything. Israelmore Ayivor
People tend to think that money makes them strong, but it's those that learn to survive without it, are truly the stronger. Anthony Liccione
I will not forgive. I will inflict and invite suffering-all our lives. As Bunni grows up she'll hear from her mother that her father is cruel, capricious, tyrannical person. Bunni won't love me. Everyone will take her side, because she is a woman, I won't be able to say a thing, ever. I will have to keep my mouth shut my entire life. I must maintain my wife's honour. And we call women the weaker sex! How deadly is the strength of frailty, and men-if they're gentlemen- how incredibly helpless! . Buddhadeva Bose
If freedom rings, then bondage bombs. Anthony Liccione
My dad once said... "Some friends are like "rubber wrappers"; they bind with you safely but get weaker when you stretch them too much". Treat your friends with care, else the elasticity of their love for you may not go lasting! Israelmore Ayivor
Examine the lives of the best and more fruitful men and peoples, and ask yourselves whether a tree, if it is to grow proudly into the sky, can do without bad weather and storms: whether unkindness and opposition from without, whether some sort of hatred, envy, obstinacy, mistrust, severity, greed and violence do not belong to the favouring circumstances without which a great increase even in virtue is hardly possible. The poison which destroys the weaker nature strengthens the stronger — and he does not call it poison, either. Friedrich Nietzsche
Strong anger can only make you weaker than you already are Munia Khan
The bullies literally cram their will down the throats of those who are weaker. James C. Dobson
The weaker the argument the louder and more frequent the rhetoric. Ken Poirot
The weaker the country, the stronger the smile. Howard E. Koch
Men are actually the weaker sex. George Weinberg