4 Quotes About War In October

The two World Wars, the Holocaust, and other assorted atrocities have kind of sucked the fun out of human history for a lot of us. It’s easy to forget that war was once a relatively commonplace reality, and that it still is in some parts of the world. While we can’t turn back time and stop wars, we can help keep them from happening again by remembering the lessons of the past. This list is full of wise, inspirational, and humorous quotes about war, each with a lesson for how to minimize the chances of another bad one ever happening again.

Thing about being free is, comes a point where you...
Thing about being free is, comes a point where you can't turn back, even if you wanted to.... Even if you wanted to, they wouldn't take you. You've gone to far. Nicholas Hochstedler
And I know just’s well as anybody that if you control a man’s space and time then you control his whole goddamn life: he’s a goner, cause hell, there ain’t nothin’ for him to do in space and time but make the few choices he can make with what he got. Nicholas Hochstedler
Well old man, I guess freedom's a continuum.
Well old man, I guess freedom's a continuum. Nicholas Hochstedler