16 Quotes About Visionary Fiction

Visionary fiction is an amazing genre. It's a unique blend of genres that explores the human condition as it relates to various aspects of life as we know it as well as those that may exist in the future. Some authors use science fiction as a basis for their stories, while others mix genres and create something completely new. Either way, visionary fiction has inspired countless people with its imaginative creations Read more

If you're looking for a great read full of action and adventure and futuristic ideas and thoughts, there's no better place to turn than visionary fiction.

The crack in your heart allows light in. ~ GOOD...
The crack in your heart allows light in. ~ GOOD FORTUNE page 238 Leslie Bratspis
You are the author of your life. If you don't...
You are the author of your life. If you don't like how it goes, write it differently. Iva Kenaz
Reality, my strange and precious one. Reality is fabric. Fabric isreality. And your reality here is far easier to live with than where Iwas on the other side. So that’s why I don’t want to go back, andwhy you wouldn’t like it. Esme Ellis
Laughter! I remember laughter. I did laughter a lot, he thought. These colours spinning around them are matching their mirth, changing from moment to moment, flaring out as they run and throw and catch. There are silver joy-waves rippling about them Esme Ellis
Even in forgetting there is an aspect of recollection, a faded few moments of wispy consciousness clung like webs in high-vaulted chambers, moving ever so lightly with the draft. Jeffrey Panzer
Music can make you feel things that aren’t yours–sadness, or love, or joy. A good song has a magic to it. It pulls you in and the feelings in the music take over and you become the music, you become the song. Michelle Frost
This time he had no choice but to look into her eyes. He did not look away. It was the bright fierce gaze that she remembered so vividly from their first meeting. He’d reminded her of an eagle, the Castellan of Amyth Michelle Frost
Idrith didn’t want to go back to his cold lonely room, with all its unanswered questions. He took the glass and sat down. Michelle Frost
(Of the main character seeing a new world for the first time.) The air was cold but not bitterly so, and it seemed a bit rough at the back of his throat. He gazed about him, and the very intensity of his desire to take in the new world at a glance defeated itself. He saw nothing but colours - colours that refused to form themselves into things. Moreover, he knew nothing yet well enough to see it: you cannot see things till you know roughly what they are. His first impression was of a bright, pale world - a watercolour world out of a child's paint-box, a moment later he recognised the flat belt of light blue as a sheet of water, or of something like water, which came nearly to his feet. They were on the shore of a lake or river. C.s. Lewis
The best stories come from deep within us and are of us. Either our inner child comes out to play and makes all things possible, or we mold our characters and events from our own experiences, or our dreams of wanting to experience. Judith Kohnen
If we know ourselves, and know our hearts, we're always home, anywhere. Dawn Kohler
Multiple Spiritual Choices towards Light will accumulate your positive karma, upgrade your vision, develop your leadership skills Jacklyn A. Lo
What we can imagine we can make real Unknown
Rejoice in the colours… Michelle Frost
If I would have known I was going to leave my job that day to become a writer, I probably would have planned differently... It didn't come by way of illness per se, accident, or dismissal, but by way of sheer self-mutiny. The self I was born to be, decided to hijack the one I had created. Dawn Kohler