6 Quotes About Vegetarian

Is it possible to be a vegetarian and love animals? Absolutely. There are plenty of people who like to eat meat and other animals that we consider “food” and who also care deeply about animals. We all have different reasons for our beliefs and we don’t always agree with each other, but we can respect each other’s opinions. If you are looking for some inspiring vegetarian quotes to inspire you, the following list is sure to get you started.

Of course they were eaten, ” he retorted, his eyes flashing in cold humour. “Trolls generally aren’t exactly renowned for being vegetarians. Unknown
Of course they were eaten, � he retorted, his eyes flashing in cold humour. “Trolls generally aren’t exactly renowned for being vegetarians. Unknown
The heart of vegetarians is healed sooner than those of flesh-eaters. Virchand Gandhi
Some animal rights activists are demanding vegetarianism, even veganism now, or nothing. But since only 4 or 5 percent of Americans claim to be vegetarians, 'nothing' is the far more likely outcome. I ask these activists to weigh the horrors of Bladen County's industrial farms and the Tar Heel slaughterhouse against the consequences of doing nothing to alleviate the hour-to-hour sufferings of its victims. Is not a life lived off the factory farm and a death humanely inflicted superior to the terrible lives we know they lead and the horrible deaths we know they suffer in Bladen County today?. Steven M. Wise
We need a better way to talk about eating animals. We need a way that brings meat to the center of public discussion in the same way it is often at the center of our plates. This doesn't require that we pretend we are going to have a collective agreement. However strong our intuitions are about what's right for us personally and even about what's right for others, we all know in advance that our positions will clash with those of our neighbors. What do we do with that most inevitable reality? Drop the conversation, or find a way to reframe it? . Jonathan Safran Foer