9 Quotes About Upper Ya

I mean, that was the code, wasn’t it? Single girls and taken guys weren’t allowed to be friends. The leash always got in the way. Carrie Butler
One second she’s all timid, and then reeoowr! Hellcat. Carrie Butler
All because I fell in love with a madman. Carrie Butler
My hopes for pie died on the sidewalk. There went my grin. Carrie Butler
Don't Fear the Reaper. Rae Hachton
I couldn’t help but notice how hot he looked tonight with his strong build lining his t-shirt. He should never cover his beauty with clothes and such things. - Ariel Victoria H. Smith
When he flashed that rockin’ smile of his again, I couldn’t help but think that me being cute was what might be crossing his mind. Then again, maybe he thought I was a dumbass. Either way, he smiled, which was good enough for me. - Ariel Victoria H. Smith
He gazed deeply into my eyes. Placing his hand to my cheek, he caressed my skin with his fingertips. “Ariel, you have a strength that cannot be hindered by anything. A strength that I admire greatly.” - Luca Victoria H. Smith