10 Quotes About Triton

You can’t get anything done without saying no. The act of saying no is an important skill that allows us to get the things we want in life while rejecting the ones we don’t. It keeps our lives balanced and free of stress, while also keeping us aware of what’s important and discerning between what is really important and what isn’t.

Do you belong to anyone?
Do you belong to anyone?" he asked." No, " she whispered." Good, because tonight, you belong to the the King of the Sea. Madame De Boudoir
Ariel: “Eric! ”Eric: “Do not sing me back to shore! Not until you are standing on two feet! Khalia Hades
My whore of a brother has done it again." "Then, as always, orders me to clean up the mess." "I think I hate him." Poseidon to his brother, Zeus. Yelle Hughes
I do love you. I love you enough to accept who you are. Why can’t I received the same feeling in return?”- Ariel Khalia Hades
Running her fingers on the scales, she sighs. “I wonder what its like to be a human?”“ Why won’t you just go and find out?” the question startled her. She whirled around to come face to face with her evil aunt; Ursula. Khalia Hades
How charming. The king and his little princess knocking on my covens door.” Ursula sighed dramatically. “What do you insolent merfolks want with me now? I swear I haven’t eaten any of your children.”- Ursula Khalia Hades
She probably fell asleep and was washed away by the tortoise waves! ”- Arista Khalia Hades
Father, what are you to do now?” Triton’s sneer grew scarier. “She broke the law.” turning away from the terrified faces of his daughters. “She must die. Khalia Hades
It was a tribute to Raphael that lesser artists wanted to copy his work, but this… this was a travesty. The fresco consisted of Galatea’s apotheosis, wherein she is surrounded by mythical creatures. A beautiful scene, with all the potential in the world, but very poorly executed here. Galatea herself looked vapid and empty. The rest of the painting indicated pure ignorance on the part of the painter. I shook my head in confusion. The giant Polyphemus was depicted with two normal eyes, when clearly he ought to have but one. Triton, for his horn, was using not a shell but an actual trumpet of brass. I nearly laughed aloud at that observation; would not such an instrument be completely destroyed by seawater? Who the devil had painted this monstrosity? . Kelsey Brickl