4 Quotes About The Angels Game

The beauty of The Angel's Game is that it is a game. A game of choices, consequences, and deceptions. A game that promises great rewards, but also terrible consequences. And like any game, it can be won or lost Read more

The Angel's Game is the story of the human race, not as we know them now, but as they existed thousands of years ago. It’s about the choices we make and how those choices affect us both in this life and the next.The game of The Angel's Games features two intertwined plots: one based on the real-life Mesoamerican ballgame known as Xochipilli, and another centered around the education of young girls by the Aztec goddess of war and death known as Coatlicue.

Nothing important is learned
Nothing important is learned Unknown
Don't be bashful Unknown
There is nothing in the path of life that we don't already know before we start. Nothing important is learned Unknown