4 Quotes About Synesthesium

Synesthesia is the unusual overlap of senses. It can be anything from seeing colors when you hear sounds, to feeling something when someone touches you, or even experiencing tastes in words. Synesthesia is incredibly rare; occurring in less than one person per 10,000. Despite this, people who experience it often report that it has an enormous impact on their lives Read more

Here are some of the most famous synesthete quotes.

Mori made an unwilling sound. 'I don't like Western art.'' No look at this.' He lifted it from its package. It wasn't heavy. 'It's clever, it looks like busy Mozart.''What?''I .. .' Thaniel sighed. 'I see sound. Mozart looks like this. You know. Fast strings.'' See? In front of you?'' Yes. I'm not mad.'' I didn't think so. All sounds?'' Yes. Natasha Pulley
I see the last two millennia as laid out in columns, like a reverse ledger sheet. It's as if I'm standing at the top of the twenty-first century looking downwards to 2000. Future centuries float as a gauzy sheet stretching over to the left. I also see people, architecture and events laid out chronologically in the columns. When I think of the year 1805, I see Trafalgar, women in the clothes of that era, famous people who lived then, the building, etc. The sixth to tenth centuries are very green, the Middle Ages are dark with vibrant splashes of red and blue and the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are brown with rich, lush colours in the furniture and clothing. Claudia Hammond
The spring came suddenly; the rains stopped, the days grew noticeably longer, and the afternoon light felt powdery, as if it might blow away. Jane Mendelsohn