6 Quotes About Sundown

sundown quotes take us to a place where we can sit back and relax, indulge in the simple things, and just be. With these sundown quotes, you’ll know that you can go into that place any time you want, and just take a few minutes to be here with us. The world is full of tension and stress at all hours, but there is still always time for a moment of quiet on the porch at the end of the day.

It was magic, the oldest magic of all when day became night, gods working in tandem, and I gave it the full benefit of my witness for the singular wonder it was. J.D. Stanley
The calm skies that drifted above us lulled us into thinking this traversée would be smooth, but after several hours, the unsteady sea had taken its toll on me and after a light lunch and a brief swim in the open sea failed to do so, I attempted to remedy my mal de mer with rest. When I awoke, the sun had already set and the cool air and soft light of twilight helped recalibrate my disoriented thoughts. Although my seasickness had subsided, I lay starboard side facing the heavens - that were now a deep shade of purple - so as to not provoke another episode. We set to anchoring behind several large volcanic pillars just a stone’s-throw away from where the Tyrrhenian Sea kissed the east of the island. A handful of wishes scattered the skies as we approached the shores of Aci Trezza. As these stars traced their dying song across the void above, part of me felt ashamed for even entertaining the notion of wishing upon a star, but that voice was speedily silenced by words He had once shared with me in Scotland: “There is always some truth to fiction. RJ Arkhipov
She likes the mystery of that changeover, those fifteen minutes of sundown when the streets and trees and people and parked cars are delicate and immediate, every sound and smell and movement amplified by the lowest light or the lightest darkness. Even a city that’s broken and dirty can, in that time, be divine and intimate. Jardine Libaire
Acheron always says that our scars are there to remind us of out pasts, of where we've been and what we've gone through. But that pain doesn't have to drive or determine our future. We can rise about it if we let ourselves. It's not easy, but nothing in life ever is." -Sundown Sherrilyn Kenyon
Through a trick lighting technique the skyline was made and faded with the care of a pointillist– maybe aiding us to think nothing was missing. We traded verbsabout what was happeningin the metropolis, realizing, in the scorched plum of dusk, actual human infinity was occurring on an island before us.... Kristen Henderson