100 Quotes About Stress Relief

You can’t take a break from stress if you don’t know what it is, and that’s where we come in! The best stress relief quotes will help you identify the source of your stress and find a way to relax. In this article you’ll find over 900 quotations about stress relief, along with the best ways to cope with it.

Holding on to the past will hold you down in...
Holding on to the past will hold you down in life. Learn from it but move on. Jonathan Anthony Burkett
Money can't buy happiness, but it certainly is a stress...
Money can't buy happiness, but it certainly is a stress reliever. Besa Kosova
Did you once have a grand plan which has become obsolete and no longer serves you? If there are areas in your life which must change to help you create better results, a redesign may be in order. Consider going back to the ‘drawing board’ to deconstruct what isn’t working and start anew. Susan C. Young
Be a life-long learner. Whether you are seeking to achieve peace and harmony, learn a new technology to do your work faster, or design a strategy to blow your competitors out of the water, retraining is a pivotal way to strengthen your knowledge and realize your goals Susan C. Young
There will be times in your life when things simply have to be replaced because they are tired, broken, worn out, harmful, outdated, or irrelevant. Take an inventory of the things that no longer serve your best and highest good so you can replace them with things which do. Susan C. Young
Rejoicing is grounded in gratitude, with a keen appreciation for...
Rejoicing is grounded in gratitude, with a keen appreciation for yourself, others, your abundance, and the beauty around you. Susan C. Young
A diamond’s creation requires immense pressure and intense temperatures to reach its highest potential. Without enduring the adversity and pressure of its environment, the diamond would never become the treasure it was meant to be. May the changes you grow through bring incredible value in helping you forge a remarkable and multi-faceted life. Susan C. Young
Reconnect to what makes you happy and brings you Joy. If there is something that used to make you happy which you have stopped doing, do it again. Seek to find deeper meaning and significance rather than living on the surface. Susan C. Young
As a pearl is formed and its layers grow, a rich iridescence begins to glow. The oyster has taken what was at first an irritation and intrusion and uses it to enrich its value. How can you coat or frame the changes in your life to harvest beauty, brilliance, and wisdom? Susan C. Young
Re-imagination is the birthplace for vision and change. Your imagination is one of the most valuable talents you have and deserves your full attention. Imagining how you want to live your life is one thing, but connecting your imagination to a visual representation will give you exactly the traction you need to make it a reality. Susan C. Young
Connecting with others gives us a sense of inclusion, connection, interaction, safety, and community. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so if you want to attract positive and healthy relationships, be one! Staying connected and getting reconnected feeds the flow of goodness which empowers our humanity. Susan C. Young
Passion is that strong feeling of emotion, ecstasy, or excitement which you feel for something or someone. This sizzling desire can light up your soul and fuel your commitment to be persistent in spite of obstacles and unfavorable circumstances. This depth of motivation can transform your life unlike anything else and reignite your purpose and your passion. Susan C. Young
Are you managing your energy well and using it for...
Are you managing your energy well and using it for things that matter? Do you stop to recharge before you push yourself to critically low levels? Unplug to recharge. Susan C. Young
A life lived well, or poorly, uses our resources to such an extent that it can weaken many areas which were once strong. Simply from wear and tear, we may tire and need to be re-fortified. Seek ways to re-strengthen so that you may perform at higher levels and increase your endurance to enjoy a life you love. Susan C. Young
Are you comfortable and willing to be of service to others, but find it difficult to receive the same in return? Why are people so quick to resist receiving, even when they need the help? Your ability to receive not only opens the space for great things to enter your life, but it returns a gift of grace to the giver. Susan C. Young
Somewhere between handling challenges, taking care of business, and juggling responsibilities, you may have lost pieces of yourself which you long to recover. Perhaps they were buried and forgotten long ago. Rediscovering is more than just being reminded of these golden treasures. It is being able to excavate your riches by pulling them out, polishing them off, and allowing them to shine again. Susan C. Young
An object in motion tends to stay in motion so if you want to go places and do great things, get moving! Although the desires of your heart may have been lying dormant for a reason or a season, now may be the time to reactivate and infuse them with life. Susan C. Young
Do you ever feel like you have been stopped dead in your tracks? That you have fallen and can’t get up? Or like you are stuck in a rut or wading in muck? Paralysis, inertia, and being stuck, can be disempowering and disabling. What is it going to take for you to restart your engines and get moving again? Susan C. Young
A unified team is a force to be reckoned with. When teams pull together to serve a higher purpose, the synergy builds momentum and helps everyone head in the right direction. When people reunite, pull together, have each other’s backs, and strive to achieve a clearly defined purpose, the culture is empowered to produce extraordinary outcomes. Susan C. Young
When people around you do not support your personal growth and reinvention, it doesn’t mean you are on the wrong path or that you have to listen to them. Just because someone continues to judge you from where you were doesn’t mean you have to stay there. Susan C. Young
Breathe in peace, breathe out stress. Relaxing can bring relief to much of what ails you. In our stressful and often negative world, your decision to make relaxing a priority will help you navigate, handle, and minimize stress. Doing so will positively impact your health, well-being, and happiness. Susan C. Young
When employees are fully engaged, they produce, contribute, and perform...
When employees are fully engaged, they produce, contribute, and perform at higher levels. As a result, re-engaged team players bring more value to their companies and empower a positive culture. Susan C. Young
People lose their enthusiasm and disengage for a variety of reasons. It can be due to boredom, disinterest, rejection, apathy, overwhelm, or exhaustion. Once a person begins to disengage, the tendency can bleed over into other areas of their life and disconnect them from what would actually bring them joy. Susan C. Young
You are the author of your own life story. You have the leading role and get to determine how you interact with your supporting cast and other characters. Without realizing it, you may have allowed the events in your life to write your story for you rather than taking deliberate action to write it in your own voice. What will it take to love your life story to create the happy endings you desire?. Susan C. Young
It is in your replanting or transplanting that you can do some of your best work and expand your roots to grow, thrive, and flourish. Whether you have needed to change places physically or metaphorically, replanting and putting down new roots will encourage new possibilities. Susan C. Young
Rather than waste or eliminate items which you don’t currently use, discover a new way to improve and enjoy their value. What strengths and talents can you repurpose for a new endeavor? How can you re-purpose your thoughts to ensure they help you rather than hinder? Susan C. Young
Have you ever made a commitment for which you felt conviction or passion at the time in which it was made, yet as time went by, you lost interest, lost passion, got distracted, or found something else which would result in a greater reward? If your commitments have wavered, recommit yourself to fulfill your promises and do the right thing. Susan C. Young
Like the butterfly, you will also go through stages of change, rebirth, and new beginnings for transformation and renewal. Use these changes to create a clarity of purpose for a personal renaissance. Break out of your comfort zone, shed old layers, and stretch in your potential to become your best self. Be free of outdated limitations, experience rebirth and take flight. Susan C. Young
Some people contend that there are no new ideas and everything under the sun has already been created. Thankfully, innovation and regeneration continue to prove otherwise. New and amazing innovations are born every day from the regeneration of ideas and creativity. How can you create something brand new using your current resources? Susan C. Young
When you hit hard tough stuff, do you feel flattened because of it or rebound in a new direction to keep living, loving, moving, and growing? Improving your bounce-ability factor will help you rock your resilience to handle setbacks, adversity, and challenges with confidence. Susan C. Young
It is impressive to see how people work hard to transform their lives, their bodies, and their relationships to become the best version of themselves. Release the layers that weigh you down and hold you back. Release the past and re-emerge to begin your next chapter. Susan C. Young
The Law of Reciprocity demonstrates that when we give something from or of ourselves, the receiving party feels an inclination to give back. And in turn, when someone does something nice for you, you naturally want to return the favor. Reciprocity begins a momentum for mutual caring and sweet reward. Susan C. Young
To build up your speed and create momentum, do you need to be pushed or pulled? Successfully shifting gears requires synchronization, coordination, and a sense of speed, whether fast or slow. Sometimes it is simply a matter of shaking up your routine to get things rolling in the right direction. Susan C. Young
Do you ever feel like you are running on empty? What is missing from your life? What would it take to plug the holes and stop the energy drains? When you see, feel, or think about lack, scarcity, or emptiness, seek ways to fill the holes, replenish and return to a state of abundance and fulfillment. Susan C. Young
Reconnect with who you truly are and what you really want rather than letting the outside world determine it for you. Reconnect with your purpose and your passion to know if your actions are helping you to achieve it. Susan C. Young
Many people associate resolutions with failure because they’ve broken promises to themselves so many times before. They don’t want to fail again, and as a result, they avoid setting goals. For the wise people who do set resolutions, research has shown you are ten times more likely to improve your life when you do. What are you willing to do to make your dreams come true? Susan C. Young
When you redefine something, you stretch your perception and open your mind to new ideas. You discover new meanings and get to see your previous style, behaviors, or beliefs from an expanded vantage point. Consider new options which would make your life more meaningful, bring more fulfilment, and encourage you to shine. Susan C. Young
Reconciling is about cleaning out your psychic closet. Do you have unresolved issues which are draining your reserves, causing hurt feelings, filling you with regret, or taxing your tenacity? Reconciling can allow you to move forward with acceptance and surrender, rather than berating yourself for what cannot be changed. Are you ready to enjoy peace? Susan C. Young
Great leaders understand the importance of assigning the right people to the right positions. If you put the wrong person in the wrong place, no matter how talented or earnest they are, they will never reach the peak of their potential. Their strengths will be underutilized and they may never measure up to your expectations. Reassign to get the best out of others and the situation. Susan C. Young
The great thing about redirecting is that if you miss the mark and miss your goal, you can simply change course. When you are heading down a certain path, and feel like you may be heading the wrong way, stop, turn back, redirect, or ask for directions. Susan C. Young
You know what it feels like when you are out of alignment ~ physically, spiritually, emotionally, or mentally. It wears you down, stresses you out, and negatively impacts your health and well-being. Life becomes more of a struggle, tasks seem harder to achieve, and relationships take more effort. Once you identify what may be causing misalignment, take deliberate steps to close the gaps, realign your attitude and actions to feel dynamic and balanced again. . Susan C. Young
We are engineered for health, vitality, and resilience, yet we tend to lose a lot as the years go by. What pleasures have you denied yourself? What dreams did you once hold dear? What do you want now? Restore them to their former glory and recapture that which brings you joy. Susan C. Young
Are you happy with how you’ve chosen to spend your time? We’ve all got the same 24 hours in a day, yet how you choose to prioritize it will make or break your outcomes. When you reprioritize your life by what brings you the most joy and fulfillment, life is rewarding beyond measure. Susan C. Young
Have you ever experienced a shattering in your own personal life? Where death, divorce, financial loss, failure, or disaster changed your world to such an extent that you weren’t sure how to rebuild again? Clearing the debris from the aftermath is a great first step. It enables you to start with a clean slate so you can rebuild exactly what you desire. Where can you begin? Susan C. Young
When you care deeply about someone or something, repairs are worth your investment of time, energy, effort, heart, and resources. Whether it is to repair a broken trust or a damaged relationship, take the initiative to make it right and make it better. Susan C. Young
Your ability to readapt in the face of change will instill confidence, improve agility, foster psychological safety, and make you more resilient in life and in business. Your re-adaptability will serve you well to thrive in most any situation or environment. Susan C. Young
Recovery is the affirmative outcome you’ll enjoy once you have moved through a setback and arrived on the other side. The sooner you find ways to achieve solutions for recovery, the faster you will regain vitality, hope and well-being. Susan C. Young
Successfully juggling the demands of your personal and professional life may feel like a daunting and unrealistic task. Employers know all too well that if an employee’s personal life is suffering, their work life will too. And visa-versa. Even the most self-aware and diligent person can be challenged. How can you rebalance your life to prevent burnout and promote well-being? Susan C. Young
Revise what you need to as changes occur and new information becomes available. Be willing to go back, look again, and consider where and how you can make adjustments in order to stay in alignment with your vision, mission, passion, and purpose. Rather than rehashing the past, know that your life is a working draft and you can revise the story you write about it. Let the revising begin. Susan C. Young
In the pursuit of trying to be all things to all people or trying to live up to another person’s expectations, do you find yourself saying ‘Yes’ when you wish you’d said ‘No?’ When something is not in your best interest or goes against your values, learn to refuse and graciously reply, “No. Susan C. Young
Is there something which you have lost and miss terribly? Would the quality of your life improve if you regained it? Would it make you happier or healthier? Would you be more effective, efficient, or productive if it came back? If there is something which once was and you yearn for its return, find ways to regain its presence and place in your world. Susan C. Young
When you rearrange, make it meaningful and significant. Don’t rearrange just for the sake of rearranging. It would be as “pointless as rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic.” In other words, why waste your time on frivolous activities which could be easily undone or do nothing to contribute to the solution of your problem? Susan C. Young
Dragging around pain and attachments from the past can jeopardize your health, your relationships, and your happiness. It can undermine your motivation, discourage your progress, and make everything in life harder. What can you release to simplify your life, lighten your load and find more joy? Susan C. Young
We continuously make promises and create agreements with ourselves and others. Some of these agreements are mutually beneficial. However, when you realize that things you agreed to in the past are no longer helpful, possible, or relevant, renegotiate. Be invested enough in your situations or relationships for renegotiation to take place. Susan C. Young
There comes a time when you may realize that what once worked brilliantly for you is no longer effective, relevant, or competitive. And as a result, you set out to do a make-over, or design new improvements that will make it better. After your innovations, hard work, and implementation, the time comes to relaunch, reveal your changes, and reveal the new. Susan C. Young
Are there things in your life that could use a face lift? What neglected treasures could be given new life by restoring them to their former glory? When you renovate and restore, you show respect for what was and bring it back to a state of beauty, usefulness, value, or vigor. Susan C. Young
As you move through the seasons of change and make a deliberate decision to Review and Redo along the way, you can begin to see everything from a fresh perspective. This will generate new opportunities for making things better or creating something completely brand new. Susan C. Young
What needs to be cleansed and refreshed in your life? What yucky stuff has created a stagnant and negative environment that muddies your waters and depletes your energy? Be willing to stir things up and make it messy for a short while so you may enjoy more clarity ad vibrancy for a long while. Susan C. Young
Self-care is how you take your power back.
Self-care is how you take your power back. Lalah Delia
The mind can't delete what the heart won't let go...
The mind can't delete what the heart won't let go of. Peggy Toney Horton
Drop the fear. What you fear most, can be a...
Drop the fear. What you fear most, can be a repeated theme in your life. Amit Ray
Our culture encourages us to plan every moment and fill our schedules with one activity and obligation after the next, with no time to just be. But the human body and mind require downtime to rejuvenate. I have found my greatest moments of joy and peace just sitting in silence, and then I take that joy and peace with me out into the world. Holly Mosier
A deep breath is a technique with which we minimize...
A deep breath is a technique with which we minimize the number of instances where we say what we do not mean … or what we really think. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I have never known any distress that an hour’s reading did not relieve. Montesquieu
Step outside for a while - calm your mind. It is better to hug a tree than to bang your head against a wall continually Rasheed Ogunlaru
If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath. Amit Ray
Breathing is our participation with the cosmic dance. When our breath is in harmony, cosmos nourishes us in every sense. Amit Ray
Laughter is the only medicine, without side effects. Shannon L. Alder
There is no such thing as isolated stress. Stress is always system wide. Janet Gallagher Nestor
Don't let the excess of demand make you loose your command and get you further from what you've planned. Ana Claudia Antunes
Don't underestimate the power of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself to deliver peace and serenity. Charles F. Glassman
Faith often comes from patience and remembering that sometimes patience is taking a deep breath and listening to that little voice on the inside saying, 'Don't worry, everything is going to be all right. Charles F. Glassman
Don't Stress About the Future. Live Life and Love Now! Anthony Avina
The modern man is usually in a hurry to get to a destination from which he will sooner or later suffer from and at times complain about boredom. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
As you notice your whole being, your entirety, your wise inner nature, there are messages there for you. Quietly give permission for your wholeness, your entirety, to share its deepest wisdom. Janet Gallagher Nestor
Most of our healing occurs during quiet moments of rest when we are in contact with unconscious feelings and experiences. I can't imagine life without the peaceful, insightful moments I have during meditation. Janet Gallagher Nestor
This is the law of nature that every person who is born has to go through certain kind of painful experiences. Thepainful issues keep coming throughout life. As you progress on the spiritual path their impact become lesser and lesser and finally a stage would come where you can achieve liberation from Stress and unhappiness forever.- Subodh Gupta author, "Stress Management a Holistic Approach -5 steps Plan". Subodh Gupta
Not only does depression take away our spiritual and emotional health, it also undermines our physical health. Jed Diamond
Here's how it works. Your immune system protects you from all kinds of nasty bugs and helps repair tissue that has been damaged by injury or surgery. When a problem develops somewhere, your body does the equivalent of calling 911. The alarm sounds, and the immune system springs into action. The first responders, the white blood cells, travel to the site of the problem. As weapons, some of the cells released a shower of powerful free radicals (called an oxidative burst) that aids in the destruction of invading microorganisms and damaged tissue. Jed Diamond
When our hearts are in a state of coherence, we more easily experience feelings such as love, care, appreciation, and kindness. On the other hand, feelings such as irritation, anger, hurt, and envy are more likely to occur when the head and heart are out of alignment. Jed Diamond
Research shows that sincere positive feelings--like love, care, gratitude, appreciation, compassion, or joy--smooth out our heart rhythm into a harmonious coherent pattern. Jed Diamond
See yourself as a pioneer in a new world. We are not facing the end of the world, as some would have us believe, but the greatest adventure of our lives. We have the unique opportunity to write a new chapter in the history of humankind, to be active participants in shaping a new world. Jed Diamond
You have the power to treat your own pain, and you can do it without surgery, drugs, or other invasive interventions. Jed Diamond
Chronic pain shatters productive lives. Chronic pain almost always is accompanied by depression, anxiety, frustration, fatigue, isolation, and lowered self-esteem. Jed Diamond
We are not designed to deal with the many stress-inducing situations of the twenty-first century. For most of human history, the stressors we faced were mainly physical, like running away from wild animals. Now they are almost entirely psychological. When was the last time you were frightened by a lion? The things that cause us stress in our modern world are the ones that go inside our heads. Jed Diamond
As psychologist Herb Goldberg reminds us in his book The Hazards of Being Male, 'The male has paid a heavy price for his masculine "privilege" and power.... He is out of touch with his emotions and his body. He is playing by the rules of the male game plan and with lemming-like purpose he is destroying himself--emotionally, psychologically, and physically. Jed Diamond
The physical body itself is continually vibrating and resonating with other energies in the environment. While Western medicine has developed few interventions that are based in the recognition that energy is at the foundation of, or at least intimately intertwined with, physical matter, scientists from many other disciplines are working within this perspective. They are, for example, recognizing the potential explanatory power of fields that are 'totally unlike any of those presently known' in the ways they hold and transmit information, display quantum properties such as nonlocal influence, and interact with consciousness. Jed Diamond
In an age of rampant chronic disease, reconnecting with the Earth's energy beneath our very feet may provide a way back to better health and keeping our bodies in top condition throughout our lives. Jed Diamond
Many of us have been burned by love and vowed to keep ourselves safe and not get pulled in again. But, inevitably, we do. Then we vow that this time, it's going to be different. This time, we're not going to make the same mistakes. And things seem wonderful--for a while. But more often than not, the same problems come up over and over. Jed Diamond
Anxiety is a state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation. Often, men will appear confident and self-assured to others but actually be living with a great deal of worry and fear. Jed Diamond
Anger is the only emotion many men allow themselves to express. Growing up, we are taught to avoid anything that is seen as the least bit feminine. We are taught that men 'do' while women 'feel.' We learn to keep all emotions under wraps, to see them as unmanly. We cannot show we are hurt, afraid, worried, or panicked. The feeling we are allowed to express without being called feminine is anger. When men experience IMS, anger is often the primary emotion. Jed Diamond
Our new understanding of energy, and hence energy healing, is full of ideas that seem strange and contradictory. The ability to understand that two competing concepts can exist at the same time is the key to being able to derive benefits from the new understanding of energy and the new science of energy healing. In the Newtonian world, matter and energy are separate and therefore don't influence each other. In the world of Einstein, they are intertwined and offer wonderful new possibilities that can benefit us all. But it is a world that many people have a hard time accepting. Jed Diamond
In my experience as a psychotherapist, I have found that stress underlies most of the psychological, social, and medical problems people face in contemporary society. If we can get a handle on stress, we can take care of most of the problems we face in our lives. Jed Diamond
Men have a higher death rate than women for nine out of ten leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, injuries, cerebrovascular disease, chronic lower respiratory disease, diabetes, pneumonia and flu, HIV infection, suicide, and homicide. We all die of something, but if you're a guy, you are more likely to get a serious disease and die from it than are women. Jed Diamond
Energy healing is based on the supposition that illness results from disturbances in the body's energies and energy fields and can be addressed via interventions into those energies and energy fields. Jed Diamond
Some clinicians and researchers believe that andropause is primarily the result of our loss of testosterone. It is clear to me that it is much more than that. Andropause is a multidimensional change of life with hormonal, physical, psychological, interpersonal, social, sexual, and spiritual aspects. Jed Diamond
The impact of human intention on physical systems within as well as outside the body has been scientifically demonstrated and reveals a shortcoming of the conventional medical paradigm and highlights a strength of the energy medicine paradigm. Jed Diamond
Fear melts like ice when we allow love's divine light to shine upon our ignorance. Soul Dancer
Dedicate each day to living relaxed and worry-free. Consciously open your heart to the flow of Creation and Creation's energy. By doing so you have the power to create each day, one day at a time. Janet Gallagher Nestor
Be oblivious to city high-rises, work-related stress and microwave popcorn. Fennel Hudson