15 Quotes About Stevesevilempire

You have to take risks to become a leader. You have to be willing to stand out from the pack and risk being criticized or even being called a fool. But when you take a risk, you find a way to make something better. And when you do, you find a way to make something better for everyone Read more

These quotes about Steve Jobs are not only inspiring, but will inspire you to be more courageous in your own life.

My mind is like the Titanic, to many brain cells...
My mind is like the Titanic, to many brain cells for the life boats. Steve Merrick
BREXIT?So mental a political tap dance, that it makes riding...
BREXIT?So mental a political tap dance, that it makes riding a porcupine bareback over a cliff seem the only sane thing to do. Steve Merrick
Trust a politician? I would rather staple gun my nuts...
Trust a politician? I would rather staple gun my nuts to the back of a charging rhino. Steve Merrick
I would wish you gods speed but I don’t want you to waste time looking for him. Steve Merrick
I have zero respect for knowledge, that’s what computers are for. Imagination is the kicker because imagination can extrapolate, create and solve, Knowledge is just facts and shit. Mostly irrelevant.” Kego O'Grady in The Navigator By Steve Merrick Steve Merrick
Look in Kego’s defense he was only Nine and a half when he took command of the ship and she had been put way off course by her captain and you lot would all be dead if it wasn’t for him.” Jenny Smith In The Navigator by Steve Merrick Steve Merrick
The path of life on our planet and maybe many others does not need a divinity to thrive, it needs no excuse to live, owes no debt to the universe because it is a part of the universe, no driving force other than the primal forces of physics and chemistry are needed, those two sets created biology, and if you backtrack all of the life on the Earth, you inevitably end up looking at stardust. Steve Merrick
Charles Darwin's only mistake was in not being a physicist, because the entire process of evolution started before our planet formed, with the event called the big bang, at this point our knowledge is such that I can hazard this further observation, all of the building blocks of life started at that moment, and that is how far we can back track this process of evolution. Steve Merrick
Gadzooks you plagiaries of truth, for twas foreseen by mine own eyes that this world is flat and straddled by two platypus's being ridden by a sea horse........ Steve Merrick
It looks as if British democracy died a few years ago, and nobody noticed. Steve Merrick
Economics. "Something humans invented and then lost control of, it isn't real, it's not like gravity and we could evolve the economic process to make sense, but can't because we would all lose money if we did. Hysterical scientific exerts aside, it doesn't exist outside of our collective heads. So at best its a pseudo science of religious proportions, at worst, it will turn us into a globally warmed suicide cult en mass. ;-) . Steve Merrick
Is it wrong of me to propose a ceasefire agreement between humans and whales and dolphins, I know it is in actuality a one sided massacre, but so was Bosnia and there the ceasefire is holding, so would it be nice to have a declaration backing a ceasefire between us mammals? Steve Merrick
I also have to add that if Rembrandt had been given a camera then that guys understanding of light and form would have blown the rest of us shooters into a black hole of despair. Steve Merrick
How did I get where I am.” If your answer is anything but dumb luck then you are sadly deluding yourself. Steve Merrick