13 Quotes About Sportsmanship

Sportsmanship is more than just winning or losing. It’s what all athletes strive to achieve, but don’t always get to see. It’s the ability to share the game with others, to offer them advice and encouragement on how to play better, and above all, to show respect for your opponent. Sportsmanship is crucial in any sport or competition, whether you are playing against another person or the clock Read more

These sport quotes will help you maintain an attitude of good sportsmanship when you compete with your friends.

Tennis taught me to take chances, to take life as...
Tennis taught me to take chances, to take life as it comes. To hit every ball that comes to me no matter how hard it looks, to give it my best shot. Thisuri Wanniarachchi
Sportsmanship isn't about criticizing the
Sportsmanship isn't about criticizing the "ONE" who didn't win on "That ONE"day... it's about appreciating and supporting their hard work amidst failures! ! ! Akansh Malik
On athleticism, God knows no favor. It seems rather he is in the business of teaching winners how to lose and losers how to win. Criss Jami
Sport should be in your Blood/Veins, Not in the Joints or Bones Binoy Boban
Be fair. Play hard. Dan Venezia
True sportsmanship is excellence in motion! Lorii Myers
It's because you absolutely love the sport. Nastia Liukin
We old athletes carry the disfigurements and markings of contests remembered only by us and no one else. Nothing is more lost than a forgotten game. Pat Conroy
Don't be a cheater, lose with clsss. Bert McCoy
How you harangue referees. How you fall over when you've not been touched. How you make a meal out of every tackle to try and get the other player booked. How you protest when you have nothing to fucking protest about — David Peace
Someone who doesn't make the (Olympic) team might weep and collapse. In my day no one fell on the track and cried like a baby. We lost gracefully. And when someone won, he didn't act like he'd just become king of the world, either. Athletes in my day were simply humble in our victory. I believe we were more mature then.. Maybe it's because the media puts so much pressure on athletes; maybe it's also the money. In my day we competed for the love of the sport.. In my day we patted the guy who beat us on the back, wished him well, and that was it. Louis Zamperini
Swords. That is no faenorn ; that is slaughter.” The Grand Seneschal shrugged. “The Master did not protest. And, indeed, what weapon could he have suggested that would suit him any better?” “Fire, ” she said. “He would not, ” said the Seneschal. “You know he would not. Robin McKinley