3 Quotes About Sonja Blue

 "I believe this life is our only life. What we do with it is up to us." Happiness is a choice. In my opinion, it's also an illusion. We will never be truly happy—or even content—unless we focus on our choices and live accordingly. My father always told me that the road to success was paved with good decisions, and that good decisions were made by making the right choices. If I had a dollar for every time he told me that, I would have been a millionaire by now. He also said that life was full of choices, and you should choose wisely because the wrong ones could lead you down a dark path Read more

In short, my father taught me not to make the same bad decisions over and over again. And I guess he was right. But what if there was no wrong way? What if being happy wasn't a choice but a result of your actions? What if everything you did—whether you made a mistake or not—led to happiness? Well, that's the secret behind the "Manifestation Miracle," which started with just one question: "What if happiness was a choice?" It's not some hippie New Age mumbo jumbo; it's actually very simple (and very scientific). By practicing these techniques every day, you'll increase your happiness and manifest more things in your life—big or small…good or bad… You'll be given more opportunities and will eventually attain your dreams, goals, and desires.

This book is for anyone who wants to live a more fulfilled and fulfilling life (and isn't afraid of making some serious changes in their daily routine). I know what you're thinking: "Manifestation Miracle sounds too good to be true." Well, it's not; most every law of the universe works with the power of visualization—like gravity, magnetism, and electromagnetism—everything has its opposite force (like mental law). And when you begin to see beyond the little box in which you've been imprisoned for so long, there is no limit to what can be accomplished. You can use this information to manifest anything in your life—and fast! I know because I've done it myself…and I'm living proof!  "Here's How To Use The Manifestation Miracle To Manifest Anything In Your Life: Step 1: Get Out Of Your Box Step 2: Identify Your Dreams Step 3: Visualize Yourself

Sleep: the stepchild of Death.
Sleep: the stepchild of Death. Nancy A. Collins
... you cannot shake hands with the Devil and not get sulphur on your sleeve. Nancy A. Collins