8 Quotes About Social Good

Helping others is a noble pursuit, but we often fail to live up to the ideals we espouse. It’s easy to talk about helping others and not take action. But it’s also important to remember that our actions can have a lasting impact on the people we help, not just in the short term. These social-good quotes will remind you that your efforts can make a difference, no matter how small.

I value individuals and societies. I care about those who...
I value individuals and societies. I care about those who are not born yet. That is the reason for my joys and blues. Petek Kabakci
A fundamental approach to life transformation is using social media for therapy; it forces you to have an opinion, provides intellectual stimulation, increases awareness, boosts self-confidence, and offers the possibility of hope. Germany Kent
If you are in a position where you can reach...
If you are in a position where you can reach people, then use your platform to stand up for a cause. HINT: social media is a platform. Germany Kent
Like every thoughtful parent in every age of history, Neil consoled himself, "My generation failed, but this new one is going to change the entire world, and go piously to the polls even on rainy election-days, and never drink more than one cocktail, and end all war. Sinclair Lewis
My first grade nun had instructed me that from those to whom much is given, much is expected. I was learning that this lesson had to be combined with Shakespeare's wisdom that one must 'to thine own self be true.' Add to this humility, empathy, a sense of curiosity, courage, and plain old hard work, and I was finally seeing the real path to leadership. Of course, humor is always a plus. (158) Jacqueline Novogratz
To be wealthy, powerful or famous does mot matter to me. Starting a social good ripple that will turn to an ocean wave matters to me. Petek Kabakci
Want to get more done? Keep meditation #1 on your to-do list. Waylon H. Lewis