8 Quotes About Social Dynamic

Much has been written about sociodynamics, but still remains relatively unexplored. It is believed that the world is more than what meets the eye. There are ideas that social dynamics are not limited to human interactions. These are only some of the most inspiring sociopsychological quotes about sociology.

It is as futile and dangerous to aim at making...
It is as futile and dangerous to aim at making of society one large family, as sentimental socialism seeks to do, as to aim at making of it one large team, as positivist socialism seeks to do. Bertrand De Jouvenel
The law of all modern states takes account of associations, whose members, in theory, pursue the common end with equal zeal. The experience of all associations proves, however, that this is not the case, and that a lively, constant and vigorous awareness of the end is found only in a minority of the associates; an association is really rather like a comet–a large tail of docile followers dragged along by a small dynamic head. Bertrand De Jouvenel
Majority decisions tend to be made without engaging the systematic thought and critical thinking skills of the individuals in the group. Given the force of the group's normative power to shape the opinions of the followers who conform without thinking things through, they are often taken at face value. The persistent minority forces the others to process the relevant information more mindfully. Research shows that the deciscions of a group as a whole are more thoughtful and creative when there is minority dissent than when it is absent. . Philip G. Zimbardo
Social dynamic theory is philosophy, not politics. There can't be only one correct answer, or there would only be one book." Sharon L Reddy, Worldcon, 1995. Sharon L. Reddy
Since humans are social animals, you’re basically only as good as your reputation. A.D. Aliwat
The great Bonaventure said that the wise must enhance conceptual clarity with the truth implicit in the actions of the simple.."" Like the chapter of Perugia and the learned memories of Ubertino, which transform into theological decisions the summons of the simple to poverty." I said." Yes, but as you have seen, this happens too late, and when it happens, the truth of the simple has already been transformed into the truth of the powerful, more useful for the Emperor Louis than for a Friar of the Poor Life. Umberto Eco
Laughter is a whip that keeps us in line. It's horrible to be laughed at against your will. Either you suppress unwelcome laughter or you start controlling it. Keith Johnstone