3 Quotes About Sisterly Love

When we’re little, we don’t always understand the meaning of an adult relationship. We think our moms and dads are perfect all the time. But as we grow up and begin to understand that other people have different opinions and preferences than we do, it can be hard to understand why one person loves their family more dearly than another. Some people love their kids just because they’re their kids, while others love their kids because they’re all they have left in this world Read more

But no matter what, we can all agree that a good relationship is something we want for ourselves and our families. Here are some great quotes about sisterly love to remind you of the importance of familial bonds and your place in them.

I did my first nude scene--and my second and third--maybe my fourth all in one movie, thanks to Allison. Allison made me feel like I was a beautiful woman when I did those love scenes. When a man makes you feel beautiful, that's one thing. But when a woman makes you feel beautiful, she's talking about your insides, too. Illeana Douglas
She’s beautiful to look at, she’s new, she’s clean, and perfectly cut. But then you get up and look closely and see that she’s not real. She’s a fake. She doesn't glimmer like a natural diamond or hold the beauty and unbreakable strength of a real diamond. She’s just a manufactured piece of glass. Not the real deal. And sooner or later, that pig headed owner is gonna realize that fake diamonds can never pass for the real ones, no matter how much you wish they would. . Bink Cummings